- 0
QIO interaction with EMI
#8249 opened by Jaurious - 11
console log spam
#8250 opened by dewboy3d - 1
mekanism multiblock tank randomly voiding
#8251 opened by emaulium - 1
Fusion Reactor Controller has "Empty Tag: forge:glass_panes" in the crafting recipe.
#8253 opened by MiloMiko - 2
MC Instance Crashing when opening Creative Tabs
#8254 opened by InvokeUK - 2
Game crashing when using Mekanism Logistical Transporter with Industrial Foregoing machines (Modpack used: All the mods 10)
#8255 opened by tunes98 - 1
Texture is required if use_mob_texture is false
#8256 opened by bookerthegeek - 1
Server crash - getChunkForPos
#8257 opened by MasterVitro - 3
Missing recipes
#8261 opened by BazZziliuS - 1
JEI conflicting with the Mekanism mod
#8263 opened by DotDotDotDashDashDashDotDotDot - 1
Mechanism generators not not loading world
#8264 opened by DUMPLINARCHIVE - 1
Digital Miner Lagging
#8265 opened by Imack92 - 7
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArrayList.get(int)" because "this.wrapped" is null
#8266 opened by kikuitimonnzi - 2
The game crashed whilst rendering block entity Error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Rendering Block Entity
#8269 opened by YasirSantiago - 1
The game crashed whilst rendering block entity Error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot read field "lastChemical" because "network" is null
#8270 opened by YasirSantiago - 1
Crash when opening inventory on a server in creative
#8267 opened by TomRachun - 8
Raised mod incompatibility with MekaSuit HUD
#8268 opened by JohnGoten - 2
When using the mek tool for chain mining, the client crashed, but the server did not crash
#8271 opened by 1-weibai-1 - 3
Crash when placing quantum entangloporter under Soph storage chest with hopper upgrade
#8275 opened by alekthefirst - 6
Equipping AdvancedAE Quantum Armor with Wireless Charging upgrades generates 2.1 GFE/s for the AE network with AppliedFlux cells while holding Digital Miner
#8273 opened by Kribylet - 1
Digital Miner does not accept negativ Y-Values
#8289 opened by lustig7 - 2
Thermal evaporator does not work
#8290 opened by top4ik4442 - 2
Server crashes when entering unloaded chunk containing logistical transporter
#8291 opened by ItsLxcas - 3
Meka Armor flies with CTRL
#8292 opened by SteveLp69 - 4
Game Crashed
#8276 opened by alskkjj - 1
Client crash on writing to client.toml during gameplay
#8277 opened by alekthefirst - 0
Network Protocol Error with Logistical Transporter
#8279 opened by KittenIsLive - 0
Osmium Compressor will not run above 200 speed
#8278 opened by WhitePhant0m - 2
Fusion reactor doesn't accept water after the server is restarted
#8281 opened by firelizzard18 - 2
[It was already registered at that location!] I keep getting this log.
#8282 opened by shishen575 - 2
Can't put water in fission reactor
#8284 opened by Piaijwy - 1
QIO Dashboard not accessing QIO Driver Array contents after leaving the chunk
#8293 opened by sweetymajo - 3
Christmas music while having muffling upgrade installed
#8286 opened by Exanlv - 0
Mekanism Additions baby endermen not attracted to endermite
#8287 opened by Texbio - 2
Some Mekanism Items disappear on the inventory
#8288 opened by Ken-Tyger - 1
Rotary Condenstrator is not working whatsoever
#8300 opened by AquosGold - 1
Network Protocol Error due to use of Evaporation Tower
#8303 opened by Gal1leoGal1le1 - 0
Mekanism digital miner radius limitation
#8301 opened by MalwriX - 15
View zooms in and out rapidly when in hazmat + radiated chunk + fire reduction item
#8302 opened by mberlin1 - 0
Trying to access unbound value: ResourceKey[minecraft:item / mekanism:configurator]
#8294 opened by Azturax - 0
Rotary Condensentrator causing server crash.
#8295 opened by zezik-k - 3
Rendering issue in transport pipes
#8299 opened by Hukunaa - 1
Mysterious Bug
#8304 opened by kienerxyzzy - 3
does not save pipe connections to reactors after restarting the world
#8305 opened by Llauma - 3
flamethrower with Oculus causes crash.
#8306 opened by pclance - 2
Uneven distribution
#8307 opened by SumatoBaka - 3
Custom packet using chemical stack opcional stream codec crashes with IndexOutOfBoundsException
#8308 opened by alec016 - 1
Insulation values changes in config file doesn't apply ingame.
#8309 opened by Blackalf14 - 2
gas generator
#8310 opened by degrod1488 - 1
Frequent crashes in 1.20.1
#8311 opened by hdbjsjbsj