- 6
How to empty chemical crystalizer?
#5279 opened by Cosmology2727 - 1
Universial Cables not connecting with IC2 machine
#5280 opened by MojangPlsFix - 2
PrefilledFluidTanks and PrefilledPortableTanks not showing up in config
#5281 opened by egshels - 2
[ Question ] Digital Miner
#5283 opened by HurtsAsHell - 2
Teleporter Not Working Right
#5285 opened by Drac0logist - 4
AE2/Mekanism crafting error wants to be reported
#5287 opened by syndran - 2
Client Crash with Evaporation Plant and Resistive Heater
#5286 opened by Fladorius - 1
Some textures are larger than they need to be
#5289 opened by GreatestFool - 3
Garden Cloche / Cardboard Box disappearing
#5290 opened by ke5hxf - 1
[ Question ] Config
#5288 opened by HurtsAsHell - 1
[Suggestion] Make Entangleaporter channels harder to delete. (I hate myself now)
#5294 opened by TheUnderTaker11 - 11
Game Crashes When I Try To Craft With Basic Liquid Tank
#5293 opened by Drac0logist - 0
Error when using Digital Miner with Sponge
#5295 opened by ThybeVB - 0
gradlew.bat build.gradle appliedenergistics2 error
#5296 opened by peterambrus3 - 1
Infinite Obsidian Tnt explosion
#5297 opened by Malzum - 3
Red/Green colour blindness
#5298 opened by thiakil - 4
Where is Icon and Tools ???
#5299 opened by Apollon-Theos - 18
Blocks that should produce lighting
#5301 opened by Redd56 - 29
[1.12.2]Poor FPS from entire mekanism
#5306 opened by Tommeh1 - 2
[1.12.2]TPS and FPS lagspike upon multiblock completion
#5307 opened by Tommeh1 - 6
[1.12.2]Mekanism chunkloading everything regardless of forgechunkloading configs
#5304 opened by Tommeh1 - 4
[1.12.2]Poor logistical transporter behaviour
#5305 opened by Tommeh1 - 1
Mekanism Error(s) with IC2 and Buildcraft
#5309 opened by ThybeVB - 3
Crash on Loading
#5310 opened by bobrob2004 - 1
Cable texture broken
#5312 opened by dagantang - 1
Solar generator issue
#5302 opened by ym1025 - 2
Lasers nearly invisible from pulsed laser accumulators
#5303 opened by saulrh - 1
Gas tanks/tanks/bins, etc default to wrong values
#5313 opened by dizzyd - 1
Recipes not shown in JEI
#5314 opened by Manuepolis23 - 5
java.lang.NullPointerException: Ticking block entity with universal cables
#5315 opened by CausticLasagne - 3
Location of Digital miner
#5316 opened by dierke9 - 3
[enhancement] Resistive heater particles
#5323 opened by DemonfangArun - 1
Digital Miner Ore Dupe (works with just base mekanism)
#5324 opened by kragnoth - 2
Would a 1.13+ port be possible
#5326 opened by term2112 - 1
[1.12.2] Mekanism + Simpleoregen crash
#5317 opened by MetalBox47 - 2
Undrainable Tanks
#5318 opened by DemonfangArun - 18
Disconnect with "Something went wrong" while joining [1.12]
#5319 opened by DeadSix27 - 5
Error when updating world from 1.12.2- to 1.12.2- tile.turbine.TileEntityTurbineVent
#5321 opened by evanleeturner - 7
Digital miner output is broken
#5329 opened by lebanni - 5
Server Crash When Complete Build of Multi-block objects and power up turbine
#5332 opened by GodHermes8692 - 2
Mekanica, a copy of mekanism ?
#5330 opened by Nethet - 2
Ethylene Not Outputting from PRC
#5331 opened by NGSquirrely - 0
Add configurable tick rate to Digital Miner
#5333 opened by Shybella - 1
Server crash because of thermal evaporation plant.
#5334 opened by PyroGameur - 3
Unrecoverable crash after attempting Auto-Eject
#5344 opened by lathanwc - 0
Test hook
#5336 opened by thiakil - 1
Crash both client and server
#5338 opened by lebanni - 1
hang/Fatal error server disconnect with little tiles mod
#5339 opened by Saereth - 18
Mekanism-1.12.2- - crash on startup
#5340 opened by QuantumExecute - 3
Crash when certain player logs in
#5341 opened by tenten8401