- 3
Digital Miner not mining all blocks as intended
#6213 opened by benbenlaw - 1
[1.15.2] Synching the security access status
#6216 opened by noncom - 5
Fusion Reactor possibility to meltdown/explode
#6217 opened by Paandizz - 2
I can't join server after a couple of days
#6218 opened by javilpatel - 1
Fully bugged quantum Entangloporter 1.15
#6214 opened by MrReps - 1
java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: null
#6220 opened by Kroko1337 - 1
Request [1.15]: Blast Furnace support for Energized Smelter
#6219 opened by davqvist - 2
[1.15.2] Gas indicators on tanks are inverted in creative
#6221 opened by ocram9 - 1
Is it possible to deactivate the water in the evaporation tower?
#6222 opened by SmaugNei - 8
1.15.2- Cannot set Redstone Mode on Logistical Transporter
#6227 opened by OfficialStamper - 5
[1.15.2] Compatibility with IE's steel block
#6223 opened by magic0whi - 0
Electric Bow stackable
#6224 opened by ToMe25 - 3
All the Mods 5 - Mekanism Item Duplication BUG REPORT
#6225 opened by SakiSkai - 1
Mekanism Crash
#6226 opened by KiaraMinecraft - 1
Gas-burning generator missing from 1.7.10
#6230 opened by GotchaGimmeThanks - 1
[Enhancement] config for preferred ore processing output
#6231 opened by Shandoo94 - 1
Evaporation Tower Input / Output Flowrates in v420
#6232 opened by papaworld - 10
Mekanism systems unstable in ATM5
#6229 opened by Tiberias42 - 2
Chemical Dissolution Chamber gas use increases per unit processed with speed upgrades
#6234 opened by Cunning247 - 3
Ores Mined in World not being Processed
#6236 opened by GamerMomB - 1
1.15.2 Machine info does not show in One Probe in SMP
#6238 opened by vedrit - 1
[1.12.2] If you break the Logistical Sorter while it's working, it keeps making sound forever until you place it back down and allow it to finish
#6245 opened by aaronhowser1 - 3
[1.15.2]Crash in launch game
#6246 opened by Rumaruka - 2
Fuision Reactor Logic Adapter always showing Active cooling
#6247 opened by ToMe25 - 1
[1.15.2]Energy Upgrade doesn't work for Electrolytic Separator
#6240 opened by CatherineHHHHH - 3
1.15.2 Question about heat API
#6243 opened by desht - 0
Novamente me desculpe pelo incomodo, sou iniciante no GitHub.
#6254 opened by SmaugNei - 2
Server Crash after breaking Advanced Compressor Factory
#6255 opened by tplc10 - 1
mekanism power conduit isues
#6256 opened by oraunarahlas - 7
Server Crash with Automated Digital Miner (Ticking Block Entity)
#6258 opened by Catscratch447 - 1
Owner in the machine tooltip is 'null'
#6264 opened by deniszitu - 1
1.15.2 Electrolytic Separator power usage
#6261 opened by 03453404558 - 7
Mekanism Industrial Turbine will not form
#6273 opened by CodingJawa - 1
Baby Skeletons ignoring config 1.12.2
#6274 opened by SubjectHawk66 - 1
[1.15.2] Recipe complications with CraftTweaker
#6268 opened by TheUntamed - 1
Heating evaporation concentration plant 1.15.2
#6269 opened by Lard5626 - 1
Internal Exception at LAN world login
#6270 opened by deniszitu - 0
1.15.2- logistical fail
#6275 opened by McKitten - 1
[1.15.2] Crash connecting logical transporters to immersive engineering multiblock
#6278 opened by Jackzmc - 0
- 3
error when i open minecraft
#6282 opened by Koala-cod - 2
Mekanism Crash
#6283 opened by xvSasuke - 1
Item Tags
#6280 opened by TheUntamed - 4
Mekanism Reactor will not accept fuel
#6285 opened by alphanerd132 - 4
[1.16.1] Mekanism crash while booting client.
#6286 opened by Gbergz - 3
cables + wind generators = xray
#6287 opened by Nyeesir - 1
(1.16.1) Graphical Glitch Modification Station
#6289 opened by SrSlime - 0
Some bolt particle effects are not synced
#6290 opened by aidancbrady - 1
Logistical Sorter color button is bugged
#6291 opened by aidancbrady - 1
Logistical Transporter logic is flawed when disabling connections to closest neighbors
#6292 opened by aidancbrady