


Ticking Entity crash of melter block in 1.18.2

nanonestor opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hi - really hope this mod continues to update and bug fix because i'd love to use it in my modpack. Just now encountered ticking entity crash of a melter. I actually was taking a screenshot with a melter under each - torch, create blaze burner, campfire, and lava at the time. i'll include link with a pic of what was right in front of my face. The melters in photo were the only melters loaded in-game, was test world. The rest of the mods in profile may be seen in the crash report list.

If you would like any further information please let me know - thanks.

Forge - 40.1.85
Melter - melter-1.18.2-1.0.2-all.jar

Crash Report



Thanks for the report!
I'm looking into it.


Fyi I realized after I posted that the issue is (pointed out by) the Radium Reforged mod (crashing game due to NBT data situation) which is a Lihium mod port.

I have the issue temp fixed for co-using mods by switching off the mixin for it's NBT module.
Radium config values

Other mods have not required this so you may want to check how you are implementing your NBT


Additional observations you may have already noticed by now:

I just realized that even removing the radium reforged (lithium) mixin or removing that mod entirely to remove it from equation - on the same modpack it will load world however existing placed melters will be removed and it shows them being removed because of their NBT data

Loading (an otherwise blank) Forge 40.1.85 profile with only the melter mod v1.1.0 results in the following log when re-joining save world where 1 placed melter exists.

(stuff below >>>) Attempting to inject @EventBusSubscriber classes into the eventbus for melter



While developing... when I change something in the NBT tag... every melter dissapears. I think is a protection from forge to prevent corruption.

As for the radium support, I don't know where to start. It seems a daunting task for me.
Changing the current nbt tag or behavior will have side effects for every world that has it.

However I'll keep investigating it.