- 3
Crash when looking up recipes in JEI 1.18.2
#2 opened by nanonestor - 4
Ticking Entity crash of melter block in 1.18.2
#3 opened by nanonestor - 0
Server crash when Immersive Engineering belts attempt item insertion - 1.18.2
#4 opened by nanonestor - 0
Suggestion: Custom heat sources
#5 opened by juh9870 - 0
Minimum heat not working with create blaze burners 1.19.2
#7 opened by Sorro123 - 1
ClassNotFound error for blaze burner with Create 0.5.1
#9 opened by jshipley - 2
Crash on 1.20.1 - missing mixin config?
#11 opened by Affehund - 3
Melter still functions above unlit campfire
#12 opened by Nemirel345 - 0
Melter does not work on heating blocks rated 10 and above
#14 opened by Qi-Month