Menu Companions

Menu Companions


📖 About:

Menu Companions brings two mobs of your choosing to the main menu. All for purely cosmetic purposes and a little bit of fun.

📚 Contents:

Two companions are shown, one on each side of the main menu screen. They eagerly follow your cursor in anticipation of your very next move. Clicking a companion will trigger an entity specific interaction such as playing their ambient sound.

Not every entity will work or behave properly as a menu companion. Incompatible entities will automatically be added to a blacklist in the config file.

Companions are completely customizable via .json files found in the menucompanions folder in the config directory. All .json files in said folder are recursively loaded, file names and folder structure don't matter.

The following section explains each property available when defining a new entry in a .json file.

┌ id    String    Name id of the entity to show. Can be set to random to show a random living entity.
├ weight    int    Weight for randomly choosing this entry. Must be 1 at least.
├ display      
│  ├ scale    double    Custom scale for entities in this entry. Will be calculated internally when set to 0.0, or when id is set to random.
│  ├ xoffset    int    Custom offset on x-axis in addition to the general config option. Not available when id is set to random.
│  ├ yoffset    int    Custom offset on y-axis in addition to the general config option. Not available when id is set to random.
│  ├ nameplate    boolean    Show nameplate above entities in this entry. Will display entity name or a custom name if it has been set via nbt by adding CustomName:'\"<name>\"'.
│  ├ particles    boolean    If particles are shown when emitted from entities in this entry.
│  ├ volume    double    Volume of ambient sounds made by the entities in this entry.
│  └ side    Enum    Side for this entry to show on. Available options are LEFT, RIGHT, and BOTH.
├ data      
│  ├ nbt    String    Custom nbt data to be applied to this entity. Can be used to set held items and worn armor pieces, for creating jockeys, for turning mobs into their child variant, and much more. Find out the specifics in the Data values section of each entity on the Minecraft Wiki.
│  ├ tick    boolean    If this entry should be updated every game tick. Not available for non-living entities and players.
│  ├ onground    boolean    If entities in this entry are on the ground. Only effects a few mobs such as chicken and bees.
│  ├ inwater    boolean    If entities in this entry are in water. Only effects a few mobs such as guardians and squid.
│  ├ aggressive    boolean    If entities in this entry are aggressive. Only effects some monsters, mainly zombie-like mobs.
│  └ inlove    boolean    If heart particles should appear all around entities in this entry.
│  ├ walking    boolean    If the walking animation should be shown for entities in this entry.
│  ├ crouch    boolean    If the entity is crouching.
└ player      
   ├ profile    String    Name of the player account. Leave this empty to use the account currently logged in.
   └ model      
      ├ cape    boolean    Show cape of this player.
      ├ jacket    boolean    Show jacket layer for this player.
      ├ left_sleeve    boolean    Show left sleeve layer for this player.
      ├ right_sleeve    boolean    Show right sleeve layer for this player.
      ├ left_pants_leg    boolean    Show left leg layer for this player.
      ├ right_pants_leg    boolean    Show right leg layer for this player.
      └ hat    boolean    Show hat layer for this player.

✏️ Notes:

Looking for a similar mod on Fabric? Check out Mobs Main Menu, a mod made by GabrielHOlv.

Looking to use Menu Companions on an older version of Minecraft? Go check out MenuMobs, a similar mod made by SpiesAmice for Minecraft 1.12 and below. For Minecraft 1.7 and below take a look at bspkrsCore by bspkrs.

Menu Companions runs purely one the client-side. It therefor even works when playing on a vanilla server.

📷 Media:

   Default configuration showing the player and a random entity    Mobs are animated and particles are rendered   
   A lot of custom properties can be defined    The account used for a player entity is customizable   
   Works great with modded entities    Also works with mods making changes to the main menu