Merge Enchantments

Merge Enchantments


with Merge Enchantments you can combine enchants that could not be combined, works on armor, sword, trident, bow, crossbow and boots. Also you can choose in the config section what enchantment you want to enabled.

 Fabric/Quilt 1.19.x / 1.18.x / 1.17.x / 1.16.x Features:


- English (en_us.json)

- Spanish (es_es.json)

- Korean (ko_kr.json) by Gyular

Mods Required:

 Fabric API

Optional Compatibility:

  Mod Menu

Cloth Config API

Config Default:

 Forge 1.19.x / 1.18.x / 1.17.x / 1.16.x Features:


- English (en_us.json)

- Spanish (es_es.json)

- Korean (ko_kr.json) by Gyular

Mods Required:

Cloth Config API

Config Default:

 Merge Protection:

 Merge Infinity & Mending:

 Merge Multishot with Piercing:

 Merge Smite, Sharpness and Bane of Arthropods:

 Merge Riptide with Loyalty and Channeling:

when you are on water or its raining and you sneaking you can use the trident like always, works fine with the three enchantments. (no golems were harmed in the process)

 Merge Depth Strider with Frost Walker:

if you have boots in your amor slot inventory and press "K" you can toggle the Frost Walker effect, you can change the buttom if you want in the key binds section.

 Merge Silk Touch with Fortune:

if you have a pickaxe in you hand and press "J" you can toggle the Silk Touch effect, also the tool shows you a tooltip only if have the silk touch enchant, you can change the buttom if you want in the key binds section.