Middle-Earth Thaumaturgy

Middle-Earth Thaumaturgy


All Contents in 0.4.0

This project has been discontinued, since LotR mod's author decided to port 1.15.2. Only support bug fixes.


- Add 39 aspects to fit the Middle-Earth view and registered aspects on LotR items.
- Add wands that auto generate vis depends on your alignments.
- Add 3 type of warded jars that can contain large amount of essentia.
- Add handheld crafter that can access every faction's table.

- Add Focus that can summon each faction's of NPCs.
- Add Powerful Bookshelf for Inventarium if Automagy loaded.
- Add some title scroll if Traveller's Gear loaded.

- Add powerful wands of each fuctions if Thaumic Tinkerer loaded.

Aspect list now available on GitHub wiki.


- The Lord of the Rings Mod
- Thaumcraft 4 (and Baubles)
- Automagy(Optional)
- Traveller's Gear(Optional)

- Thaumic Tinkerer(Optional)

You can see the recipes in Thaumonomicon or NEI.
I'm not good at English, so if you notice typos or wrong expressions, please report it to GitHub issue tracker.

Feel free to use any modpack.


Other Addons

- Middle-Earth Industry