Mine Treasure

Mine Treasure


Mine Treasure


Ever gotten tired of mining endlessly? No motivation to go strip-mining? Well, this mod aims to change exactly that.

This version is Fabric-only! (Forge coming soon) | Version 1.18.2? Coming soon.
Requires Fabric API!

This Datapack packaged as a mod introduces a whole new way of approaching mining, Treasure. Treasure has a chance to spawn when mining a stone-related block. These treasures are divided into several different tiers: Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary. However, that's not all though! There are also biome-specific treasures depending on which biome the player is in. If that was not enough to convince you, this mod includes custom armor, custom weapons, custom food, custom advancements and custom utility items, which is planned to be configurable in the near future. If you want to configure these items as of right now, you can download the Datapack version instead. 


Scoreboard values commonCount, rareCount, epicCount and legendaryCount are all scoreboard objectives which displays the amount of treasures of that type a player has found. The following command will display legendary treasure count in tab: "/scoreboard objectives setdisplay list legendaryCount"

Cheating in treasures:

You can cheat in treasures using the following syntax: /function mt:treasure_chest/[DIMENSION NAME]/[BIOME]/[TIER]

Example: /function mt:treaure_chest/overworld/badland/leg

Treasure loot table examples: 

                                                       Common Jungle Treasure 

                                                          Rare Nether Treasure

                                                       Epic Mountain Treasure 

                                                  Legendary Default Treasure

Future plans:

- Custom textures

- Wind Treasure loot table

- More customizability


Why do weapons have such a high damage value?

- When testing this with friends on SMPs throughout time, it has always been Crystal-based combat being the meta. This tries to challenge that by adding armor and weapons that go above the netherite tier, hence high damage. It has been tested, and fighting with treasures obtained by this mod is an alternative to that.