


12/20/2021 NEWS: UPDATE! I finally got around to updating this mod. It's Fabric now, which I know a lot of people won't like, but hopefully I'll get around to making a port for newer Forge versions, too.

Minecoins is a small mod that adds a few types of coins, most of which come in gold, iron, and copper variants, to Minecraft. They can only be obtained from the Creative Inventory, making them perfect for use as server currency.

Coins added:

  •  Minecoin: The one from the Bedrock Edition marketplace, doesn't have any variants.
  •  Basic Coin: Normal coin, comes in gold, iron, and copper.
  •  ₵ Coin: Has a "₵" symbol in the middle, comes in gold, iron, and copper.
  •  Hole Coin: Has a hole in the center, comes in gold, iron, and copper.
  •  Super Mario Bros. Coin: The classic 8-bit coin from Super Mario Bros. on the NES, doesn't have any variants The Mario coin isn't in the latest version as I felt it wasn't very useful.

Plans for the future:

  •  More coins (Duh.)
  •  Possibly real world currency? (If this does happen, I'll start with and possibly only do the U.S. Dollar.)
  •  Give me your suggestions, and I might add them. (No promises, though.)

Okay, I think that's about it. Check the screenshots section for an image of all the coins.