minecoins mod

minecoins mod


this mod adds money to minecraft, it's useful for servers where someone has a shop...

i had this idea because in a my friend's server there was expensive things (like planes) that created problems:
-it was difficult to count all the emeralds without making mistakes

-all those emeralds were bulky

to solve these problems i created this mod

for now it adds only coins, banknotes and a wallet... but i'm planning to add credit cards and ATMs

[version 1.0.0 changelog]

-added the one-cent coin

-added the two-cent coin

-added the five-cent coin

-added the ten-cent coin

-added the twenty-cent coin

-added the fifty-cent coin

-added the one minecoin coin

-added the two minecoins coin

-added the banknote of five minecoins

-added the banknote of ten minecoins

-added the banknote of twenty minecoins

-added the banknote of fifty minecoins

-added the banknote of one hundred minecoins

-added the banknote of two hundred minecoins

-added the banknote of five hundred minecoins

-added the wallet