- 1
Way to add extra ores to villager work menu?
#834 opened by mobro09 - 1
Crystal Ball will not work on my server
#833 opened by jkilcoin - 2
Unable to open Config GUI
#832 opened by SerranoPancake - 1
Archers one-shot kill villagers & players
#831 opened by GameRKade - 1
Grandchildren are Inbreeding
#830 opened by GameRKade - 1
My skins won't work properly when I put them in the assets\mca\textures\skins
#829 opened by imsupergood1 - 14
[1.10.2] Null pointer on world create
#828 opened by Tencao - 1
Unable to marry two villagers together.
#827 opened by MrPandaBird - 1
Villagers go sleep in bed of old home
#826 opened by XanaRaquel - 4
Game Crashes When Crystal Ball is Used on 1.8 Server
#825 opened by ZeIrishDood - 1
No Enum constant
#824 opened by JANDS-24 - 1
#823 opened by bloodyraoul - 1
Villagers stay frozen in one spot
#822 opened by thablueprint786 - 1
- 1
MC 1.7.10 spam in the logs
#820 opened by SvEgiiVEteR - 1
java.lang.NullPointerException mca:1.10.2-5.2.3
#819 opened by SDUBZ - 1
MCA Crashing
#818 opened by EnderGaming360 - 3
[1.10.2] Game crash when EnderIO Killer Joe is active.
#817 opened by desvandev - 0
Glitch/Bug with clicking on kids
#816 opened by JustIbrahimFTW - 1
No Use Player's Skin Button?
#815 opened by asicerik - 1
Crash on socializing
#814 opened by AlienXtream - 4
Crash on loading or creating world
#813 opened by AlienXtream - 1
- 1
duplicate crystal balls 1.10.2-2151( MCA-1.10.2-5.2.3-universal)
#811 opened by SDUBZ - 2
Excessive number of villagers generated
#810 opened by xenoflot - 2
Villagers Disappear in front of me 1.7.10
#809 opened by asdfca123 - 1
MCA crashes and corrupts world on looking at gravestone
#808 opened by DireWolfSkull - 1
(SERVER) Crashing when setting gender on MCA 1.7.10
#807 opened by sapziiiii - 1
Feature Suggestions - Improved Villager Customisation
#806 opened by MinecraftMinun - 1
Guards/Villagers are never left handed
#805 opened by MinecraftMinun - 5
Crash on startup 1.10
#804 opened by MoonlightSystem - 5
MCA Skins are warped
#803 opened - 5
Language right locally - Wrong on Server
#802 opened by TheRealDadbeard - 3
JEI compatibility issues
#801 opened - 1
Warriors don't spawn / are always married.
#800 opened by IWolfy - 4
Blurry villager textures and a glitchy head model?
#799 opened by MechanosG - 6
Villager's babys will not grow up
#798 opened by LeftoverFlea312 - 2
Villager Hired Jobs
#797 opened by icehound99 - 1
Placed Doll item causes Crash
#796 opened by MagpieMaydin - 2
I have a question about handling authorization
#795 opened by h1398123 - 1
Having grown baby in off hand causes infinite kids
#794 opened by alittlepeace - 1
Feature Request: More configuration options for Gifts, Mining, Farming, Cooking, ...
#793 opened by Guinaro - 2
Crash when Deconstruction Table is installed.
#792 opened by Faedelity - 1
Server crash with MCA-1.9-5.2.0-FINAL-universal on Minecraft 1.9
#791 opened by thm726 - 1
Children suffocate passing though spaces that they both visually fit and pathfind through
#790 opened by MentalMouse - 4
Mod villagers replaced by McA villagers
#789 opened by ManMan36 - 2
After update from to 5.2.0 villagers vanish, server crash on first load
#788 opened by SkyBlade1978 - 8
Exception loading model errors
#787 opened - 2
Twins not working on LAN Server setup
#786 opened by JohnRohner - 2
I keep crashing.
#785 opened by DittoMinecraft