- 0
New 1.10 world, crashed on the Special -> GetHappiness
#732 opened by Lothrazar - 4
Crash on updating world to 1.9.4
#731 opened by MentalMouse - 1
Crystal Ball Crashing My LAN Game
#729 opened by TempXIV - 2
Villagers babys not growing up
#728 opened by Tiaan127 - 2
Kicked while trying to connect to Official server
#726 opened by Ginger60 - 3
MCA custom villager issue
#725 opened by Liana-Walter - 1
It says my wife i married to me but she isnt
#724 opened by wesb1 - 3
Villagers gone
#723 opened by wesb1 - 1
I need answers pls help!! Villagers vanish in update
#722 opened by wesb1 - 1
Villagers Won't Have Babies
#721 opened by Kay-Minecraft - 2
MCA for 1.10?
#720 opened by supernewts - 1
minecraft 1.7.10 crash
#719 opened by snipersergeant - 5
Update glitch
#718 opened by wesb1 - 0
Monarch system reimplementation
#716 opened by WildBamaBoy - 1
Villager are still despawning in MCA version 5.1.2
#715 opened by Jibuban - 1
Download Issue
#714 opened by ClockworkWorker - 1
Villager Incest!!! (≧д≦ヾ) Also, Graves
#713 opened by CiaoMeow - 0
Chore levelling system
#712 opened by WildBamaBoy - 1
1.9 MCA broken Crystal Ball on SMP server.
#711 opened by RebeccaRedstone - 1
- 4
Is there a way to retexture MCA?
#708 opened by CiaoMeow - 17
Children Disappear without death notice.
#707 opened by wesb1 - 1
Possible Relationship System?
#706 opened by DRULES679 - 2
Game keeps crashing, won't let me interact with villagers?!?
#705 opened by SilentWolf101 - 1
Villagers die from sleeping in a bed with foot at a wall.
#704 opened by MentalMouse - 3
Stashing the crystal ball gets a new one on reload, ad infinitum.
#703 opened by MentalMouse - 5
Crashing when connecting to server?
#702 opened by Cloud567818 - 7
Curing zombie villagers
#701 opened by zlyfire - 2
SheWolf's MCA server says fatally missing blocks and item?
#700 opened by Cloud567818 - 2
marriage issue
#698 opened by shono22 - 4
[Bug] MCA Villager crashes server
#697 opened by dig - 1
Trouble with kids? (1.7.10 - CrundeeCraft Modpack)
#696 opened by Eltrafix - 1
mca 1.8
#695 opened by xXRedPlaysMcXx - 8
[Suggestion] Starting Village Variety
#693 opened by AngleWyrm - 1
Server crash when hiring guards 1.9
#692 opened by GSValore - 1
All players treated as one on LAN MCA1.7.10-
#691 opened by DrTinyFace - 6
MCA 5.1.2-1.9 | Bug and Incompatibility
#690 opened by The-Euphoria - 3
MCA server down?
#689 opened by Liana-Walter - 2
MCA Villagers Spawning as Duplicates
#688 opened by MokahTGS - 12
Villager trades still not opening up?
#687 opened by Galindorf - 1
What does Superuser do?
#686 opened by jkhero73 - 1
1.8 skin not loaded with correctly
#685 opened by None223 - 1
Slightly homophobic parental system.
#684 opened by Ophipa - 7
MCA generates bottomless flowers making Waila to crash the game
#683 opened by xiaoschannel - 2
Villager Generation Override
#682 opened by Kismette - 3
Crash while loading
#681 opened by xiaoschannel - 1
Crash when guards attack zombies
#680 opened by chaNcharge - 1
Paths and pathfinding
#679 opened by oblisgr - 6
Mod not working
#678 opened by tayladoh - 2
No colored diamonds in 1.8.9? Optional replacement feature.
#677 opened by MentalMouse