- 4
Java and mod namespace conflicts with Alive 1.8.2
#125 opened by Ghostcrafter090 - 1
#115 opened by Sadi178 - 1
Village merging
#116 opened by Luke100000 - 0
GUI Positioning on Ultrawide monitors is off
#117 opened by celsiusqc - 2
7.2.0 beta 21 crashes (Fabric 0.13.3, 1.18.2)
#128 opened by ZaneFlynt01 - 1
Domestic Innovation Compatibility
#126 opened by Luke100000 - 3
All spawn eggs are pigs
#127 opened by Vermin404 - 7
Villagers seemingly still walking/pathfinding while asleep
#118 opened by CDAGaming - 1
When villagers are auto-assigned a building, their home is set to the center rather then a nearby bed
#119 opened by CDAGaming - 7
1.18.2 Issue: don't Load
#120 opened by MerlinWither - 5
Czech lang dont work
#121 opened by zanecek - 0
Server Crash 1.18.1 Fabric
#123 opened by Gamerbolts - 2
Crash when launching (1.16.5 fabric)
#147 opened by votalspectre - 1
[Suggestion] Poly Marriage
#148 opened by druidicmage - 2
Guards and Archers are teleporting like crazy and killing themselves [1.18.2] [7.2.0-Beta.40]
#144 opened by Art1xs - 0
[Fabric 1.18.2] MCA Reborn - 7.2.0-beta.40
#143 opened by Moocow9m - 0
Guard villagers also claim workstations
#129 opened by pantsguyapp - 5
Have following villagers teleport to the follower if they got too far away
#130 opened by pantsguyapp - 2
Suggestion: Have armor on guards last indefinitely.
#131 opened by pantsguyapp - 1
MCA fails to load correctly
#132 opened by ImDoingThisForMyWife - 4
Villager says I’m already married to her this is in 1.18.1
#133 opened by wingbroman - 3
Add the ability to reincarnate into your child after death (Hardcore), as it was in 1.7.10 and 1.6.4
#135 opened by HeppyLich - 1
Women should have Alex-Skins
#136 opened by HeppyLich - 3
World unable to load
#137 opened by Gavin456b - 1
Turning Villager into Witch does not give the advancement
#138 opened by BC-OO - 3
Feature: Family history for spawned/SpawnQueue villagers
#149 opened by KennaKilla - 3
missing sounds?
#150 opened by WanabeNecro - 3
Pehkui does not work on MCA Villagers
#151 opened by mcwoodcraft - 2
Defined areas sometimes got reset.
#139 opened by JamesEakk - 1
Suggestion: Baby delivery adjustment.
#140 opened by JamesEakk - 1
Children are glitched and cannot work (1.18.2)
#141 opened by superRYANXD - 2
Villager's Spouse is dead but married still
#142 opened by KennaKilla - 1
Suggestion: Hardcore Functionality
#155 opened by Jigbashmop - 0
Crash when doing harvesting chore
#158 opened by HacoKavanah - 1
Villager teleports back to home village in multiplayer
#159 opened by j-rasberry - 1
Only allowing one job for each type of workstation
#162 opened by j-rasberry - 0
Suggestion: Shortcut to trade with villager
#163 opened by j-rasberry - 2
Crash upon entering world [1.18.2]
#164 opened by CuteNeko-Chan - 5
WhyI can't press the right mouse button to open book or interacting with villager?
#165 opened by Sakuraron - 1
you cant change the villagers job anymore when it becomes master rank. why
#166 opened by icetree222 - 2
[1.16.5] [v7.0.10] Please fix server console spam.
#168 opened by Cixon - 5
Headstones do not allow writing
#169 opened by Lebyo - 2
Villagers all die because my world is more dangerous, setting "guardSpawnRate" does NOTHING
#167 opened by JetpackRescue - 1
I found that has been selected "l am good" will continue to add interactive value
#170 opened by Sakuraron - 5
ReaperSpawner crashma server
#171 opened by TheButterbrotMan - 7
issue with ores and villagers
#175 opened by atecrayons - 3
you cant interact with villagers
#172 opened by Vermin404 - 2
Suggestion: The ability to gift villager with meats to heal them
#173 opened by pantsguyapp - 1
Guards villager still have the need for a workstation.
#174 opened by pantsguyapp - 1
Not information of the rules
#177 opened by BedMan333