- 1
Can't find family with Whistle -> tracker suggestion
#397 opened by sunshinelover047 - 0
Mod Compatibility-----Alex's Mobs
#400 opened by Rocketcat19 - 0
Chest tag
#401 opened by Luke100000 - 1
how can I remove the skin from the "comb" item ?
#402 opened by gabennnnn - 0
Empty clothing screen
#396 opened by Luke100000 - 2
Editor command overrode player skin for other player
#412 opened by Flyvee - 2
Config file for names
#415 opened by smmmadden - 0
Farmers do not re-plant what gets harvested
#416 opened by smmmadden - 1
Logic issue with Add/Update Building
#403 opened by smmmadden - 1
Aldeões quando morrem, não aparece o nome deles na lápide
#404 opened by Zuik10 - 2
People are reporting starting in spectator mode when joining a world, or that their screen is black.
#407 opened by Jetpack-Cat - 10
I installed the requested mod but it gives an error
#405 opened by BayanInek - 3
I can't interact with NPCs
#406 opened by lostopkk - 8
Crash exit code 1
#408 opened by SakkiYasumin - 1
lol really bizarre but im getting "Registry Object not present: mca:sirben_baby_boy" when trying to load the game
#409 opened by nyunami - 0
Apply cool down timer to villagers text response to being damaged
#410 opened by Jetpack-Cat - 0
Mod Incompatibility: The Graveyard
#411 opened by SrRapero720 - 1
Skin Example Pack
#429 opened by Luke100000 - 0
[Suggestion] Ability to recreate the same "character" across games quickly
#417 opened by MLMII - 2
Optifine causing issues with MCA
#418 opened by SupaStinger - 1
Villager Childs That You Adopt After Curing From Zombie Infection Get Hurt/Die From Blocks
#419 opened by KyubiHitashi - 3
Hunters killing all animals?
#421 opened by smmmadden - 1
MCA Reborn looks black and white
#420 opened by Mattyfatty399 - 2
Option of blacklisting trade-able items by the adventurers
#422 opened by Flyvee - 3
Skin won't render in editor while using Iris Shaders
#423 opened by mogneto - 2
Villagers Keep "Disagreeing" With Me When I Try To Talk To Them
#424 opened by samthelizard - 0
Mod Incompatibility: Identity (Forge 1.19.2)
#425 opened by IntrovertedGamer - 0
TerraFirmaCraft Compatibility
#430 opened by Inf0214 - 1
Workers show as jobless in Villager UI
#426 opened by smmmadden - 1
Minecraft crashes upon loading a world
#427 opened by Aaokke - 0
Non-Adult Mobs Suffocate/Injured When Near Blocks
#428 opened by KyubiHitashi - 1
Suggestion: More AIs for children
#440 opened by pantsguyapp - 1
villager profession/job bug
#432 opened by RConTRS - 2
[1.19.2] Minecraft Comes Alive (mca) encountered an error during the sided_setup event phase
#431 opened by SDUBZ - 0
[Suggestion/Compability] Npcs Run and hide from the wither storm
#433 opened by bruhicantlogin - 1
hello i can see black and white and i dont know why
#434 opened by crexlly123 - 2
Issue with launching into destiny
#435 opened by FullMetalMaster - 4
[fabric 1.19.2] Server watchdog timeout crash
#436 opened by PapiOphidian - 3
1.19.2 Fabric Ticking Entity Crash on World Load
#437 opened by Gamerbolts - 3
[fabric 1.19.2] Server timeout when someone interacts with npc
#438 opened by PixelatedBruh - 1
Injection Failure on mohist
#439 opened by FlyoC - 3
Request: Config option for mca villagers being targeted by all hostile mobs
#442 opened by pantsguyapp - 2
Request: school for the children
#441 opened by pantsguyapp - 0
Request: Guard attacking system from the Ancient Warfare mod
#443 opened by pantsguyapp - 1
( Forge 1.19.2 ) Marriage options not appearing in villager menu
#444 opened by MrXenoMorphG - 1
Question! MCA in pre-existing world of a server, villagers are still vanilla.
#445 opened by neekssy - 0
Suggestion: Curios Compatibility
#446 opened by BedMan333 - 8
Eldritch Arcane Workings incompatible
#447 opened by Gamerbolts - 5
Character creation skin doesn't appear
#448 opened by AlexanderI32 - 6
Mining Chore
#449 opened by xuqinkun