Dimensions Plus

Dimensions Plus

Betweenlands Dungeons

Betweenlands Dungeons

Varying in difficulty, these dungeons put up a good fight. The best loot comes from the rarest dungeons.
Warped Portal

Warped Portal

Built using Nether obsidian.
Limbo Portal

Limbo Portal

Made by using Nether brick.


The Terminal Dimension

The Terminal Dimension

High hills and infinite forest, this is the final dimension where you can get the supplies necessary to craft The Destroyer of Worlds. Good luck.
The Betweenlands

The Betweenlands

Hidden beneath the surface hide dungeons and midnight topaz.


The Aether Dimension

The Aether Dimension

This dimension has small floating islands as far as the eye can see. This is where topaz can be found.


Aether Portal

Aether Portal

An Aether portal is made using quartz blocks.




The God Dimension

The God Dimension

This dimension feels like a fever dream and is home to a powerful monster.
The Limbo Dimension

The Limbo Dimension

This dark and eerie world is home to many monsters. Topaz grows on some trees in this dimension.
Pop Up Dungeons

Pop Up Dungeons

Terminal Portal

Terminal Portal

Built using blocks of aggregate.
Betweenlands Portal

Betweenlands Portal

Built using ender obsidian.
Sunken Mansions

Sunken Mansions

The Warped Dimension

The Warped Dimension

Similar to the Nether but different in so many ways. You'll want to make a quick trip of this dimension.
God Portal

God Portal

Built using purpur blocks.