Jeremy3463's Earth Mobs

Jeremy3463's Earth Mobs


Minecraft Earth Mobs an Minecraft 1.18.2 mod this was a month in development, so it's my biggest mod i've ever made for the Minecraft Java edition.

Now what is this mod about? Very simple this mod adds almost every mob from Minecraft Earth, but there are a few mobs that didn't  make it into this mod, you will find a list of them later.

So that was the closing word and then i wish you a lot of fun exploring this mod.


Here you can see all the new pigs that all existed in Minecraft Earth which i taken over in this mod.

Muddy Pig: He spawns in the plains biome, has 5 hearts, can drop: 1 to 3 raw pork chop, 1 poppy and 1 mud block.

Dried Muddy Pig: He spawns in the plains biome, has 5 hearts, can drop: 1 to 3 pork chop and 1 dried mud block.

Mottled Pig: He spawns in the plains biome, has 5 hearts, can drop: 1 to 3 pork chop.

Spotted Pig: He spawns in the plains biome, has 5 hearts, can drop: 1 to 3 pork chop.

Sooty Pig: He spawns in the plains biome, has 5 hearts, can drop: 1 to 3 pork chop, 1 to 2 coal and one flint.

Piebald Pig: He spawns in the plains biome, has 5 hearts, can drop: 1 to 3 pork chop.

Pale Pig: He spawns in the plains biome, has 5 hearts, can drop: 1 to 3 pork chop.

Yes I know the pigs are almost all identical, but they differ from the drops

Now are the cows in turn on our showcase, this are all the cows that has existed in Minecraft Earth.

Wolly Cow: He spawns in the plains biome, has 5 hearts, can drop: 1 to 3 raw beef, 0 to 2 leather and one brown wool.

Cookie Cow: He spawns in the plains biome, has 5 hearts, can drop: 1 to 3 raw beef, 0 to 2 leather.

Albino Cow: He spawns in the plains biome, has 5 hearts, can drop: 1 to 3 raw beef, 0 to 2 leather.

Dairy Cow : He spawns in the plains biome, has 5 hearts, can drop: 1 to 3 raw beef, 0 to 2 leather.

Pinto Cow: He spawns in the plains biome, has 5 hearts, can drop: 1 to 3 raw beef, 0 to 2 leather.

Cream Cow: He spawns in the plains biome, has 5 hearts, can drop: 1 to 3 raw beef, 0 to 2 leather

Sunset Cow: He spawns in the plains biome, has 5 hearts, can drop: 1 to 3 raw beef, 0 to 2 leather

Moobloom: He spawns in the flower forest and sunflower plains biome, has 5 hearts, can drop: 1 to 3 raw beef, 0 to 2 leather, 1 to 2 Dandelion, 1 Sunflower and 1 to 3 Buttercups.

Moolip: He spawns in the flower forest and sunflower plains biome, has 5 hearts, can drop: 1 to 3 raw beef, 0 to 2 leather and 1 to 2 Pink daisys.

Umbra Cow: He spawns in the plains biome, has 5 hearts, can drop: 1 to 3 raw beef, 0 to 2 leather.

Yes I know the Cows are almost all identical, but they differ from the drops.

Ladies and Gentlemens here are the new Chickens that have ever existed in Minecraft Earth.

Midnight Chicken: He spawns in the plains biome, has 2 hearts, can drop: 1 raw chicken and 0 to 2 feathers.

Bronzed Chicken: He spawns in the plains biome, has 2 hearts, can drop: 1 raw chicken and 0 to 2 feathers.

Gold Crested Chicken: He spawns in the plains biome, has 2 hearts, can drop: 1 raw chicken and 0 to 2 feathers.

Amber Chicken: He spawns in the plains biome, has 2 hearts, can drop: 1 raw chicken and 0 to 2 feathers.

Skewbald Chicken: He spawns in the plains biome, has 2 hearts, can drop: 1 raw chicken and 0 to 2 feathers.

Stormy Chicken: He spawns in the plains biome, has 2 hearts, can drop: 1 raw chicken and 0 to 2 feathers.

Fancy Chicken: He spawns in the plains biome, has 2 hearts, can drop: 1 raw chicken and 0 to 2 fancy feathers.

Cluckshroom: He spawns in the mushroom shore and mushroom fields biome, has 2 hearts, can drop: 1 raw chicken and 0 to 2 feathers and 1 red mushroom.

Yes I know the Chickens are almost all identical, but they differ from the drops.

This is by far my favorite category the Other mobs that existed Minecraft Earth.

Furnace Golem: He has 50 hearts but doesn't spawn nowhere, he only can be spawned via commands or from creative mode, can drop: 1 to 2 coal, 1 to 2 iron nuggets, 1 to 2 gold nuggets,

1 diamond, 1 emerald, 1 earthruby, 0 to 1 earthruby block, 1 to 2 charcoal bread.

Mob of Me: This little guy has 10 hearts and can spawn in the plains biome but didn't drop anything.

Skeleton Wolf: He has 5 hearts and can spawn in the plains biome, can drops: 1 to 2 bones.

Merl: She is an creature  that doesn't do anything, but if you kill she she drops an Clickable lootchest.

Melon Golem: wait snowmens normaly have a face but yeah you can see he doesn't haven't one.. he is blind so he is helpless, can drop: 1 to 2 snowballs and 0 to 2 melon slices.

Jolly Llama:  He has 7,5 to 30 hearts but where is his fairy light and his scarf?

Ahh the Hostile mobs from Minecraft Earth apart from the vanilla mobs from minecraft.

Bouldering Zombie: Spawns in the Plains biome, has 10 hearts, can drop: 0 to 2 rotten flesh, 1 potato, 1 carrot and one Iron ingot.

Skeleton wolf: wait we didn't already have it?

Lobber Zombie: Spawns in the Plains biome, has 10 hearts, can drop: 0 to 2 rotten flesh, 1 potato, 1 carrot and one Iron ingot.

The Unused Mobs from Minecraft Earth, most of the player haven't know about this mobs.

Heated Parrot: He has 3 hearts, spawn in all jungle biomes, can drop: 0 to 2 heated feathers [He is kinda broken, the KI doesn't work well]

Mushpanda: he has 10 hearts, spawns in all Bamboo jungle biomes, can drop: 1 to 2 red mushrooms and 0 to 1 brown mushroom.

River Turtle: he has 15 hearts, spawns in the river biome, can drop: 0 to 2 river scutes [He is kinda broken, the KI doesn't work well]

Teacup Pig: This tiny guy is an baby pig he has 1,5 hearts and spawns in the plains biome, can drop: 1 to 2 raw bacon.

Here are all the new item that comes with the mod.

Buttercup: Generate in all flower biomes and you can find it on the Mooblooms body.

Pink Daisy: Generate in all flower biomes and you can find it on the Moolips body.

Charcoal Bread: An charred bread from the furnace golem [in v.2 you can smelt bread into an normal furnace] and it's eatable.

Clickable Lootchest: This an lootchest you can Shift right-click it to get some random loot.

River Turtle Helmet: this new helmet is made out of river scutes, but the effect didn't work well.

Clickable Storage Bag: This is an new Backpack with a space from an normal chest.

River scute: you can obtain it  by kill an river Turtle.

Cooked Bacon: an new type of meat, Delicious

Raw Bacon: an new type of meat, you sure to want it raw?

Earthruby: an useless matieral in this mod [I will make an additional mod for more of earthruby]

Fancy Feather: you can craft with it 5 arrows , obtain it from fancy Chicken.

Heated Feather: you can craft with it 5 arrows, obtain it from fancy chicken.

Food is Very Good in every mod.

Raw Bacon: an new type of meat, you sure to want it raw?

Cooked Bacon: an new type of meat, Delicious

Charcoal Bread: An charred bread from the furnace golem [in v.2 you can smelt bread into an normal furnace] and it's eatable.

All the new block from this mod, it's not much but blocks aren't important :D.

Mud block: you get it when you but an water bottle and some dirt in the crafting table.

Dried Mud block; Obtain it by putting mud, some sand and gravel in an crafing table.

Earthruby block: an useless block in this mod [I will make an additional mod for more of earthruby]


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