Minecraft Minions

Minecraft Minions


InfermalMobs does not let spawnear mobs another mod?

ChukiStrike opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Could it be incompatible with EmberRootZoo?
Don't EmberRootZoo mobs spawn because it can be? Because there are too many mobs and they don't all fit?


Sorry? I don't understand your issue.


Sorry, I'll try to explain better.
I use your mod. Now I have installed this mod EmberRootZoo that creates new mobs, but they don't appear in the game. Could it be because your mod is blocked? Or because if we add your mobs to theirs there are so many mobs that they don't create them all at once?


Do they appear if Infernal Mobs is not installed? Unless there is a crash in the "infernalization", it should never stop entities from appearing. Have you checked your logfiles/console output for errors?


I don't have any errors in the console I think.
That's what I meant, I put a block on spiders, skeletons and zombies and they keep showing up. Why? :(
You have discord server? Thanks.


I still do not understand what it is you are trying to convey. Are you trying to stop vanilla mobs from spawning? From becoming infernal? What exactly keeps showing up?


Yeah, I want to stop the vanilla mobs. To come out of another kind of mods.
because there are a lot of vanilla mobs and very few mods. (I want more mods and less vanilla mobs.


Infernal Mobs can't help you with that. You need some other mod to prevent vanilla mobs from spawning altogether.