[Discontinued] Minecraft-RPC

[Discontinued] Minecraft-RPC



A simple Implementation of Rich Presence for Minecraft Forge.


This mod has been closed and there will be no active development. Reason is, u/The_CodedOne has been working on the same mod, and is almost finished (including joining sessions, etc.). There would be no point in competing Mods, so i'm gonna scrap this project and you're gonna have to wait until his Mod reaches release status. Thanks for all the excitement - it was a short time (only 2 days lol), but i enjoyed it.

To work with this code, you must download an appropriate Forge MDK (1.12) and setup a workspace, then clone this repo into the workspace. To build a usable jar, use gradle shadowJar (with ./gradlew or gradle.bat respectively).

This Mod uses the Java-DiscordRPC lib by @MinnDevelopment.

Downloads are availabe on Curseforge.