Implemented Features
InGame Config
This Mod is highly customizable. You can edit nearly any aspect of this Mod using the ingame configuration gui.
To open the InGame Config:
Main Menu -> Mods -> MineRPG -> Config
Custom Attributes:
11 new Attributes which increase the strength of your Character.
Power -> Increases outgoing direct damage
Precision -> Increases Critical Chance. 21 Precision = 1% Critical Chance
Toughness -> Increases Armor
Vitality -> Increases Health
Concentration -> Increases Boon Duration. 15 Concentration = 1% Boon Duration
Condition Damage -> Increases the damage done by conditions
Expertise -> Increases Condition Duration. 15 Expertise = 1% Condition Duration
Ferocity -> Increases Critical Damage. 15 Ferocity = 1% Critical Damage
Healing Power -> Increases all outgoing healing your character does, including self heals (Not fully implemented)
Magic Find -> Improves loot quality
Xp Gain -> Increases experience gain