- 4
feature request: new shapes?
#64 opened by end-user - 5
Light level overlay - Shaders
#63 opened by Jes7ix - 3
[Feature] Show number of monsters/animals/etc.
#62 opened by EmmaStittAIE - 7
Minihud problem with multiplayer
#61 opened by AdamAwadalla08 - 1
Game crashed when turning on bounding boxes.
#60 opened by kinggeert - 0
[Improvement suggestion] Shape : layer range
#59 opened by LoneWolfProductions - 1
[Improvement suggestion] Shape : duplication
#58 opened by LoneWolfProductions - 3
Shapes color transparancy issue
#57 opened by LoneWolfProductions - 4
Overlays not rendering at all with Optifine
#56 opened by siasl - 5
Tried to install Litematica, Rift crashes
#55 opened by githubUser673 - 2
Is there a way to increase the size of the info thing and move it to the right?
#54 opened by AppleGUY2812 - 7
Display light levels underwater
#53 opened by InfoTeddy - 1
[Feature] Show the current weather
#52 opened by rapus95 - 18
Inventory:The blocks are highlighted, Whilst the items and fences,ect. are dark grey, and haredly noticable
#51 opened by D0V1S - 1
Light overlay shows under blocks, that have collision boxes
#50 opened by i0xHeX - 4
Structure bounding boxes not working on Servux
#47 opened by Mythbusters123 - 6
Certain Overlays not working
#46 opened by MysticPengu - 1
miniHud kics me from server
#45 opened by SpeedRider - 1
Block Neighbour Updates Overlay Glitch
#44 opened by JonA02 - 6
Server TPS Information breaks when PlaceholderAPI plugin is active
#43 opened by JonA02 - 0
Enhancement Request: Villager Activity Display
#42 opened by DragonCrafted87 - 5
overlaySpawnChunkReal is incorrect in 1.15.2
#41 opened by vichvich4444 - 3
"Renderer Toggles" Menu
#39 opened by nmichlo - 2
[1.15.2] infoSlimeChunk render not consistent
#38 opened by Damagedxd - 2
Suggest language file stripping
#37 opened by PeakXing - 1
Shape Manager only adding despawn spheres
#36 opened by gnp - 1
Light level overlay broken at far distances from spawn
#35 opened by ILikeTrains27 - 1
World seed unknown
#34 opened by Fluffybanana7 - 0
[1.15.2] Light overlay is not placed on blocks on y=256
#33 opened by matjojo - 2
So, I accidentally locked myself out of the menu
#32 opened by ttdhr-00 - 5
[1.15.2] FPS drops with despawn sphere (when standing far away)
#31 opened by Azahliil - 6
Game crashing after adding malilib
#28 opened by ExtremeLimit - 6
Ability to display beacon range
#25 opened by n-aspen - 2
Opening Shape Editor crashes game.
#23 opened by Frustrated-Programmer - 1
Shulker box and purple shulker box previews use the same tint
#22 opened by Arcensoth - 1
Container preview renders parts of the GUI incorrectly when a resource pack is enabled
#21 opened by Arcensoth - 24
Fabric is crashing when loading minihud
#20 opened by ziraw - 3
nothing is rendering for me (spigot server or singleplayer and fast render off)
#19 opened by MrChockablox - 13
Bounding boxes not rendering
#18 opened by Pendraw - 2
infoLightLevel + tickwarping freeze
#17 opened by xenallio - 9
Shapes not showing on Paper-183 Server
#16 opened by TrekGIneer22 - 5
Can't access Chunk Unload Bucket Overlay
#15 opened by rhettl - 4
Redesign of the Info Toggles screen
#14 opened by NotLe0n - 23
Ability to add world seed in multiplayer games
#13 opened by smartin1018 - 2
overlay glitch
#12 opened by NedKelly07 - 2
infoWorldTimeFormatted showing incorrect day
#9 opened by Johndoedyou - 2
Error on launch
#8 opened by OS-Void - 0
[feature request] ability to remove seconds from game time
#7 opened by Zygus42 - 0
[Feature Request] Key Groups
#6 opened by scottosx - 4
[Feature Request] Add C Counter Value
#5 opened by scottosx