- 6
[SUGGESTION] Hide on key hold setting
#182 opened by srnyx - 1
minihud-fabric-1.17.1-0.19.0-dev.20211027.183903.jar - 2 Issues
#183 opened by xanthian - 4
Unable to toggle Nether Fortress bounding box.
#191 opened by Sh0oo - 3
[SUGGESTION] Multiple keys on 1 keybind
#186 opened by srnyx - 4
overlayLightLevel crashes game
#187 opened by sleepybraincells - 8
[Request] Show Time / Day Of Overworld In The Nether And The End
#202 opened by SleepyCatten - 8
[1.18.1] [BUG] Bee info text always reads 0 regardless off number of bees in hive
#201 opened by joylessdave - 2
[BUG] Light level overlay is red at 7
#192 opened by probablypablito - 5
#193 opened by Flus1234 - 2
Light level mob spawn is wrong
#194 opened by roxandtol - 2
I need so much to expand custom sphere to 450 radius block
#195 opened by Xtanley - 1
No light level Overlay in Minecraft 1.12.2
#196 opened by RainerZufall187 - 4
[Feature Request] Custom color formatting in info lines
#198 opened by Jakub-Wilk - 1
1.18 Light level overlay
#199 opened by AmLaggen - 1
Shape rendering issues when biome borders are enabled
#203 opened by TheRealWormbo - 4
mainRenderingToggle does not have a keybind in the config file 1.18.1
#205 opened by LOLboy199 - 2
Unable to click..?
#206 opened by GalaxysWithFiles - 2
#207 opened by Flus1234 - 7
Slime chunk overlay only renders below y = 0
#209 opened by lbenedetto - 2
mainRenderingToggle keybind does not save to config.
#210 opened by PINPAL - 4
structure / bounding box not working
#211 opened by fuzzwizzard - 2
No text shadow
#212 opened by RaptaG - 1
[SUGGESTION] Option to disable action bar messages
#214 opened by srnyx - 19
Strange/incorrect sphere shapes
#215 opened by scrapmech - 1
Crash when opening multiplayer world (1.18.2)
#218 opened by ytterx - 0
feature request: conduit range
#219 opened by end-user - 1
Configurable sneak info
#220 opened by clarfonthey - 3
game crash when loading beacon overlay
#216 opened by electricsteve - 1
Line (Blocks) only renders to z=320
#217 opened by Kubek0212 - 3
option to have the F3 crosshair
#225 opened by Un1q32 - 1
Question: possible to display entity breakdown?
#222 opened by end-user - 4
Blocks Flashing When Used With Sodium (1.18.2)
#223 opened by Gidaio - 1
Lightning rod range overlay?
#224 opened by Br31zh - 1
Shapes no showing through colored glass
#226 opened by bearthebard - 3
malilib error
#227 opened by BDXA - 2
Village boundingbox does not render
#228 opened by naecker21 - 1
RealisticSeasons support?
#229 opened by Scarlaid - 0
[feature request] wandering trader spawning info line
#230 opened by zhguyu - 0
[Feature Request] Add option for Mushroom Fields biomes on Light Level options
#231 opened by raceimaztion - 1
Shapes Don't render above y-256
#232 opened by vGustaf - 2
Is beacon distance renderer supported in 1.16.5?
#233 opened by Dan-k391 - 4
[Feature] Add ability to create a box shape using width/length/height and center location
#234 opened by ChristopherHaws - 0
[Feature Request] Light level overlay per dimension
#237 opened by end-user - 4
Large Box Shape Out of Memory Error
#235 opened by B34rd0 - 2
MiniHUD for Forge 1.16.5
#238 opened by MrYoavon - 0
Suggestion: Display flower pattern
#240 opened by RealityTest - 4
Crash when opening Fabric MiniHud 1.18.2
#241 opened by goatsplusone - 6
Publish to Modrinth
#242 opened by Nolij - 2
Bounding Boxes Not Working In 1.18.2
#243 opened by Aqawma - 10
port to 1.19
#244 opened by mharbb