- 2
Text Scale option does not save
#245 opened by LostLuma - 3
Menu won't open
#247 opened by TheCuteIDKKitty - 0
[Request] Display Block Tags View
#252 opened by ardissaps - 0
[Request] Display Block Hardness When Looked at
#253 opened by ardissaps - 7
Bounding box doesn't work for 1.19.2
#260 opened by 5Green-RBXScripts - 4
Minecraft crashing on launch
#254 opened by uddipmayur - 1
[Fabric 1.19] Crash when sending a chat message with only a space
#255 opened by HeyBanditoz - 2
no light level for 1 snow layer
#257 opened by drwoops - 1
[Request] Spacers in the mini-F3
#261 opened by SFGrenade - 2
Enabling light level ovarlay with set lightLevelRenderThrough option causes shapes to render through as well
#263 opened by drzewiec123 - 2
Pillager bounding box incorrect
#265 opened by tomosmc - 8
RealSpawnChunks not working in the 1.19.0 verison of the mod.
#267 opened by SuperSerferNow - 0
RealSpawnChunks not working?
#266 opened by SuperSerferNow - 6
[fabric/1.19.x] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
#268 opened by ChillerDragon - 0
Game Crash when enable spawn chunk overlay
#270 opened by SJKZ1-2565 - 0
Debug neighbor update renderer do not show updates for redstone component
#271 opened by pwouik - 2
MiniHUD displays the wrong amount of FPS with Exordium
#272 opened by he3als - 4
No keybind to toggle slime chunk overlay
#273 opened by Wess5874 - 2
H+C, H not working [1.18.2]
#274 opened by Andhri306 - 0
`Spawnable` `lightLevelMarkerCondition` incorrectly uses >0 as safe in nether
#279 opened by EthanZeigler - 0
Suggestion: Option to keep open while F3/debug screen is shown
#275 opened by Fabian42 - 1
[Request] Add option to display integer block coordinates
#276 opened by felis-blue - 4
NullPointerException when enabling "spawn chunk real" renderer
#277 opened by cfandrews - 0
The hotkeys for structures bounding boxes aren't working (1.19)
#278 opened by HighLordErebus - 0
USB peripherals become intermittent when using shape renderer.
#280 opened by mrlukey676 - 1
[request] put seed world in config menu instead in chat
#281 opened by Yumileashen - 1
Can I modify the refreshing interval of ping infoline?
#282 opened by aleck099 - 0
# of adult bees in hive
#283 opened by ChocolateLoverRaj - 3
Incorrect FPS display while using Exordium
#286 opened by 909oce - 1
Addition: Day Counter
#284 opened by Maniacsan - 2
#285 opened by gragonfire242002 - 1
Crash when enabling pathfinding
#287 opened by litoj - 2
Crash when turning on light levels
#289 opened by giorov - 1
2 problems with MiniHUD
#290 opened by DarkKing9991 - 1
Renderer hotkeys tab and Sodium/Iris
#291 opened by fami-fish - 1
Information on the HUD appears only when shifted
#293 opened by XxPaldo88xX - 1
#292 opened by zgaop - 4
Maven repo not maintained
#294 opened by fami-fish - 0
Crashing on spawner attempt overlay
#297 opened by Void-Skeleton - 4
Crash when enabling Pathfinding
#298 opened by GravityCY - 1
opening gui when I dont need it to
#299 opened by LeoLion888 - 2
Freecam moving random tick range overlay
#300 opened by jones-josh - 1
[Suggestion/New Feature/Request] weather and moon phase information
#304 opened by Kirishim-arashi - 0
[Suggestion/New Feature/Request] Sound Info Line
#303 opened by DevDyna - 3
Game crashes when using the "h+c" shortcut key
#305 opened by dahewangnaliu - 0
[Request] Sneaking indicator
#306 opened by davepusey - 1
What the fuck is you doing bro?
#307 opened by TgZ39 - 0
bounding boxes do not work in multiplayer
#308 opened by szczur4 - 3
CTD on world load
#309 opened by Nogloon - 1
Light Levels do not Render in Single-Block Spaces
#312 opened by Wyatt-James