Minimal Modern HUD

Minimal Modern HUD



Replaces the standard HUD UI with a new experience. Collapses all of the main UI elements into a modern set of elements. Use another mod, Auto HUD, for best experience. 

Key Binds

Additionally adds 3 new key binds to make navigating the smaller hotbar easier. Each set the player's active slot if the conditions are met.

  • Find Melee Weapon: Finds the first melee weapon (sword, axe, trident) in the hotbar if none is equipped, or finds the next weapon if another is present.
  • Find Ranged Weapon: Finds the first ranged weapon in the hotbar (bow, crossbow) in the hotbar if none is equipped, or finds the next weapon if another is present.
  • Find Tool: Based on the block the player is looking at, finds the correct tool for mining that block, if one is present in the hotbar.

NOTE: This mod requires [Auto HUD]( for the full recommended experience.
This allows for hiding and toggling the hodbar.
Change that mod's setting: hotbar.onChange to false, and hotbar onSlotChange to false.

"hotbar": {
    "hotbar": {
        "active": true,
        "onChange": false
    "onSlotChange": false,
    "onLowDurability": true,
    "durabilityPercentage": 10,
    "durabilityTotal": 20,
    "maximumFadeHotbarItems": 0.0

Optionally bind a key for toggling the hotbar.

HUD Elements

Check out the images tab for clearer images. 

HUD Elements Labeled

HUD Colors and extras 

HUD Colors


By updating the mod's config, this will allow a player the following customization

  • Change the corner the HUD is display in
  • Adding horizontal and vertical padding to the HUD
  • separate the health and hunger bars (value bars) from the main HUD elements
  • choose new location and padding for value bars

    ["Configs for Minimal Modern"]
    #Which corner to display main GUI? 0 = TopLeft, 1 = TopRight, 2 = BottomLeft, 3 = BottomRight
    #Range: 0 ~ 3
    MainGuiCorner = 2
    #Horizontal Padding for main GUI.
    #Range: 0 ~ 50
    MainGuiHorizontalPadding = 2
    #Vertical Padding for main GUI.
    #Range: 0 ~ 50
    MainGuiVerticalPadding = 0
    #Separate the main GUI from the Value Bars.
    #The following settings will only take effect if set to true
    #The corner values must also be different.
    SeparateValueBars = false
    #Which corner to display Value Bars? 0 = TopLeft, 1 = TopRight, 2 = BottomLeft, 3 = BottomRight
    #Range: 0 ~ 3
    ValueBarsCorner = 1
    #Horizontal Padding for Value Bars.
    #Range: 0 ~ 50
    ValueBarsHorizontalPadding = 0
    #Vertical Padding for Value Bars.
    #Range: 0 ~ 50
    ValueBarsVerticalPadding = 0