[Bug Report] fake Player count not spoofing.

AceSurvival opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the bug
Basically player count spoofing is no longer working as of the latest velocity/latest minimotd.

To Reproduce
Have the same code. in main.conf

Expected behavior
A mathematical playercount spoof.

No need, playercount on server list is simply showing the real playercount and not the fake.

Server Software and Version:

  • Vendor: Velocity
  • Minecraft Version: 1.20.4
  • Output of /version command: Latest velocity.

Additional context

    # Should the displayed online player count be allowed to exceed the displayed maximum player count?
    # If false, the online player count will be capped at the maximum player count
    # Setting this to true will disable the hover text showing online player usernames
    # Settings for the fake player count feature
    fake-players {
        # Modes: add, constant, minimum, random, percent
        # - add: This many fake players will be added
        #     ex: fake-players="3"
        # - constant: A constant value for the player count
        #     ex: fake-players="=42"
        # - minimum: The minimum bound of the player count
        #     ex: fake-players="7+"
        # - random: A random number of fake players in this range will be added
        #     ex: fake-players="3:6"
        # - percent: The player count will be inflated by this much, rounding up
        #     ex: fake-players="25%"
        # Enable fake player count feature
    here is the code.