[Bug Report] MOTD formatting text is cleared on reload

seanchristians opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Describe the bug
Formatting tags are removed after running minimotd reload

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open config/MiniMOTD/main.conf
  2. icon-enabled: false
  3. motd-enabled: true
  4. Create a single motd entry.
  5. Write minimessage-style formatted text for motd lines 1 and 2
  6. Save and close the config file.
  7. Run /minimotd reload on the server
  8. Re-open the config file.

Expected behavior
I expect my formatting to persist across reloads.

Server Software and Version:

  • Vendor: Fabric
  • Minecraft Version: 1.16.5

Additional context


Are there any errors in the console? Could you share the main.conf file (via something like that doesn't save properly?


Wow, thanks for the quick reply!

The console doesn't seem to throw any errors:

[MiniMOTD] Reloading MiniMOTD...[MiniMOTD] Done reloading MiniMOTD

Here's my main.conf before:
and after:


Hmm, to be honest I have no idea what could cause the config to become modified like that... I tested adding the motd you provided to my config, and also tried with it as the only motd in the config

        line1="<white><b>Foo</white>   \u23d0   </b><red><underlined>Bar</underlined></red>"

and for me, it loaded and saved properly, resulting in this motd

For me to fix this I need to be able to reproduce it or understand what's causing it, but I don't remove formatting from text in this way anywhere in the mod, so I'm pretty confused.
Could you provide a list of other mods you are using, as well as information about your java install and OS? Theres a chance replicating your setup could help me reproduce this issue.


Sorry to have wasted your time, I was using a cloud-based server hosting interface (due to them having a lack of ssh access). It seems the website was trying to parse the formatting tags as HTML tags and just removed them every time I opened the file with their interface.