Manticores, Phoenixes, Dragons, Leviathans, Ponies and More!
With Awesome Long-reaching swords, Health-giving armor, stuff that can cause ridiculously huge explosions, Flame-shooting bows and
Other surprises!
Also known as "MLP Creatures Mod", "Myths and Creatures Mod" or "MLP Adventures Mod"
Mod Reviews:
Some Mobs:

Most Tools are crafted with Blocks instead Of it's Ingot
Phoenix Feathers = Phoenix Block
Twi QT Mark = Twi Block
AppleJack QT Mark = Apple Block(Sweet Delicious Tasty)
Weapon Special Abilities:
Apple Sword:
- Puts All kinds of Slowness on Target
Apple Hoe:
- Works over 5 x 5 area
Apple Armor:
- Gives Knockback Resistance
- Works best for caving.
Crag Hammer:
- Launch Mobs!
Bowser Sword:
- Insane Meteor Strike Ability!
- Long attack Reach
Dash Sword:
- Spam to Hit faster
- Ignores Mob defense
Bowser Rod & Random Explosive Item:
- Just Random and Explosive.
Dash Food:
- Gives Insane Speed, Strength, Regen and Resistance
Twi Food:
- Gives Jump boost, Night Vision and Totally OP Regen
Bone Wand & Mane 6:
- Right click to Instantly Kill stuff
- Creative Only
Twi Sword:
- Summon Magic to Annihilate Life!
- Very Long Reach
- Right-Click mobs to steal health
Twi Bow:
- Shoots Twi's Cutie Mark, But you'll need to get some First!
Phoenix Bow:
- Shoots Using Blaze Rod.
Alicorn Sword:
- EXTREME Long Reach
- Being awesome
Dark Crystal:
- Recipe for the Dark Crystal Set, Also a throwable Item.
Mavis Orb:
- Throwable item
Luna Eclipse:
- Summons Lightning, and Certain Spiky purple things
Mob Abilities:

Health: 750
Attack: 375
Defense: 23
- Leaps unexpectedly
- Launch Mobs
- Drops Crag Scale on Death
Robot Thingy:
Health: 50
Attack: 88
Defense: 24 + Resistance 3
- Easily Underestimated
- Drops Robot Blocks
Black Widow Spider:
Health: 250
Attack: 980
Defense: 20
- Very very Nasty Bites
- Inflicts Extreme Poison

Health: 100
Attack: 12
Defense: 15
- A bigger, badder Teddy bear
- Drops Fur and Claw
Health: 80
Attack: 22
Defense: 18
- Bites painful enough to send you flying
- Minions of Rainbow Centipede
Health: 990
Attack: 55
Defense: 21
- Gravity pulls and annihilates sea life
- Overestimated

Health: 60
Attack: 24
Defense: 20
- Dangerous Creatures capable of Turning ponies into Stone
- Some Nasty stuff to begin with

Health: 375
Attack: 675
Defense: 19
- Super Regeneration
- Flying around, peace keeping
Rainbow Centipede:
Health: 950
Attack: 125
Defense: 22
- Summons Baby centipedes
- Shocking unexpected players

Health: 120
Attack: 22
Defense: 18
- Fat and Chubby
- Charges restlessly
Timber Wolves:

Health: 45
Attack: 18
Defense: 16
- Howls and calls reinforcement, some really nasty moves.
- Don't mess with the pack!
Ursa Major:
Ursa Major Compared to Ursa Minor:

Ursa Minor Compared to ponies:

Health: 12750
Attack: 1650
Defense: 23
- Seriously, he's not that hard. A few clicks will do!
- Cannot be killed with normal attacks
- Overestimated

Health: 6
Attack: 1
Defense: 0
- Being annoying
Baby Moose:
Health: 30
Attack: 5
Defense: 10
- Don't get fooled by it's apperance, it's got a nasty attitude!
- Ramming into you like any moose.
Adult Moose:
Health: 60
Attack: 25
Defense: 16
- Not Something you wanna mess with, Seriously.
- Charges at pretty much everything.
Health: 450
Attack: 395
Ranged Attack: 345
Meteor Strike: 950
Defense: 23
- Some serious boss to deal with, drops all kinds of awesome surprises!
- Spawns lava all over the place, making a mess everywhere

Health: 675
Bite Damage: 475
Tail Swipe Damage: 325
Wing Flap Damage: 195
Fireball Damage: 950
Defense: 23
- Lighting everything on fire, Creating explosions... A pretty nasty dragon in general.
- Drops all sorts of goodies
Iron Will:

Health: 650
Attack: 225
Defense: 22
- He's strong, he's big, he's mean and he's confident. Nothing can pierce though this guy... or maybe there is
Arctic Scorpion:
Health: 650
Attack: 225
Orbital Strike Damage: 2750
Defense: 24
- Nasty Stings, Strong Pincers, Hard exoskeleton.
- Devastating Orbital Strike ability(Lightning and sparkles)
- Minions of The Windigo

Health: 550
Attack: 156
Defense: 22
- Roars like crazy
Health: 2250
Attack: 475 - 1750 (Attack Multiplier)
Defense: 24
- Heals near Water
- Strengthened claws when Low on Health
- Being Huge!!! (Not really)

Health: 4250
Normal Attack: 950
Stomp Damage: 650
Small Fireballs: 450
Huge Fireballs: 950
Random Explosions: 1850
Defense: 22
- Fireballs, explosions and earthquakes
- Drops wonderful amounts of loot!

Health: 9750
Attack: 2750 - 4250
Note: Attack damage multiplies when health is low
Magic Damage: 10/120/750/2750 Depending on mob size (Ignores defense)
Defense: 24
Tip: Use Twi Sword's Special ability(Magic Orbs) to block out Windigo Magic
- Uses Weakening spell when Health below 2500 (sets player health to 1)
- Anti-Cheat (cannot be killed with steal health ability)
- Summons Magic Orbs (Windigo Magic)
- Freezes everything
- Strikes lightning
- Summons Arctic Scorpions
Hint: Their cutiemarks

Find it out yourself!
Planned Mobs
Newest Mob: CRABZILLA!
Some Inspiration came from Orespawn and Better Dungeons.