More Worlds!

More Worlds!


The Mo' Worlds Mod is an exciting new addition to Minecraft that takes players on a multiplanetary adventure!

To begin your journey, you'll need to acquire a Spyglass and a block of Black Iron, which can be found in specific biomes like Jungle, Birch Forest, Desert, and Forest. Once you have both items, use the Smithing Table to combine them and create the World Shifter.

With the World Shifter in hand, you can enter the first world, which is the Moon. To do so, simply right-click the World Shifter on an End Stone block. From there, you can combine Moon Stone with the World Shifter to shift to the Moon. Similarly, you can shift to Mars by using the World Shifter with Mars Sand Block.

It's important to note that this mod is still a work in progress and will be updated regularly. So get ready to explore new worlds and have fun!