[1.20.1, mod version 3.0.2] Capturing modded mobs with similar spawn behavior to the Wandering Trader deletes the mob.
SamHammie opened this issue · 0 comments
Tested with MrCrayfish's Goblin Traders version 1.9.3, satisfy's [Let's Do] Vinery version 1.4.6, and SirJain's Perfect Plushies version 1.8.0.
Steps to reproduce:
- Use a Mob Capturing Tool on a modded Trader.
- Carry in your inventory for some time.
- Attempt to place Trader.
- 🦀🚨The Trader is gone!🚨🦀
Expected behavior:
You'd place the trader back into the world with the same data you'd captured it with, including the remaining time before it despawns being unchanged.
Actual behavior:
The trader's time before despawning is either immediately set to 0 or continues ticking while captured and becomes negative, thus causing it to visually appear that you're not even placing anything, hence why I said that it gets deleted.