- 0
[1.20.1, mod version 3.0.2] Capturing modded mobs with similar spawn behavior to the Wandering Trader deletes the mob.
#6 opened by SamHammie - 4
Capturing Villagers
#1 opened by Rayqua2b - 0
version is correct but mod says otherwise
#2 opened by tealtoxic - 0
Crash on 1.19.4 Forge 45.0.50 MobCapturingTool-forge-1.19.3-2.1.0.jar
#3 opened by Knito58 - 0
Not working after upgrading to 1.20.1
#4 opened by gustafah - 1
Catching Wither
#5 opened by Samapoke - 0
Doggy Talent Next Issue
#8 opened by n0itLT - 1
Crash on 1.21 Fabric
#9 opened by aur3l14no - 0
Latest version of Mob Capturing Tool causing crash
#10 opened by Gamemassa - 0
Question: Possible to blacklist all entities from single mod
#11 opened by trav90 - 0
Broken in 1.21.4
#12 opened by Jayl-code - 3
Add 1.21.1 to supported versions of 1.21 releases on CurseForge
#13 opened by Poopooracoocoo