Mob Charms

Mob Charms


Ever wanted to gain the abilities of a mob without morphing into them, or simply in a more vanilla-friendly way? Well then, you are in the right place! This mod adds 13 new equippable charms that grants the player the ability of the respective mob!

Requires Curios API!

Curios API logo

(Modrinth page can be found here)


Zombie Charm

Crafted using rotten flesh and a bone block, this charm grants the wearer the ability to call reinforcement zombies by pressing Z. (the special ability key for charms that have one) Summoned zombies are identical to normal zombies, but with slightly less attack range. Be careful when wearing this in the sun though, as you will burn in the sun.

The Zombie Charm in an item frame at night

Spider Charm

Crafted using string and a spider eye, this charm allows the player to climb walls by looking at a block that is close enough to them.

The Spider Charm in an item frame near some cobwebs

Slime Charm

Crafted using slimeballs and a slime block, this charm removes the player's ability to walk or sprint, but grants highly increased jump height.

The Slime Charm in an item frame near some slime blocks

Creeper Charm

Crafted using gunpowder, copper ingots and a block of TNT, this charm grants the wearer complete immunity to explosives, as well as the ability to explode by pressing Z. Unfortunately, the charm doesn't protect against explosives caused by it, so the only way to survive using the ability is using blast protection. Just don't walk into fire, or you will loose control of your exploding abilities..

The Creeper Charm in an item frame at night

Sheep Charm

Crafted using wool and a raw mutton, this charm grants the wearer the ability to eat grass by clicking on a grass block, granting half a heart of healing. There is a cooldown on how fast you can eat though.

The Sheep Charm in an item frame at night

Chicken Charm

Crafted using feathers and an egg, this charm grants the player permanent slow falling.

The Chicken Charm in an item frame

Cat Charm

Crafted using string and a raw cod, this charm completely negates all fall damage that the player receives

The Cat Charm in an item frame in a village

Stray Charm

Crafted using bones and ice, this charm causes arrows shot by the player to inflict slowness, but at the cost of burning in sunlight.

The Stray Charm in an item frame in a snowy plains

Ravager Charm

This charm can be obtained with a 50% chance when killing a ravager. Wearing the charm grants the ability to roar like a stunned ravager, causing nearby enemies to be knocked back.

The Ravager Charm in an item frame in a raided village

Enderman Charm

Crafted with 3 ender pearls and an ender eye, this charm allows the player to teleport forward 10 blocks. However, touching water whilst it is equipped will cause rapid damage.

The Enderman Charm in an item frame in The End

Snow Golem Charm

Crafted with 3 snow blocks and a carved pumpkin, this charm allows the player to shoot snowballs, but causes damage when touching water

The Snow Golem Charm in an item frame in a snowy plains

Cod Charm

Crafted with kelp and a cod, this charm grants the player highly increased movement speed underwater, as well as permanent water breathing. However, cod are weak, and as such, the player will take double damage from all sources. Only use this for travelling! And stay away from the drowneds..

The Cod Charm in an item frame underwater

Warden Charm

Crafted using echo shards and a sculk catalyst, this charm grants the player the ability to launch a sonic boom at mobs, dealing 9 magic damage and piercing through 5 targets. However, the player's vision becomes severely impacted, making it difficult to see what you're aiming at.

The Warden Charm in an item frame in the deep dark

Wither Skeleton Charm

Crafted using coal and a wither skeleton skull, this charm inflicts Wither to anything the player attacks, as well as granting fire resistance.

The Wither Skeleton Charm in an item frame in a nether fortress

Blaze Charm

Crafted using blaze rods and a magma block, this charm grants the player the ability to launch 3 fireballs in quick succession, as well as granting fire resistance and slow falling. However, blazes die in water, meaning standing in water or in rain will cause the player to take rapid damage.

The Blaze Charm in an item frame in a nether fortress

Wither Charm

Crafted using soul sand, wither roses and a wither skeleton skull, this charm grants immunity to wither, permanent slow falling, and the ability to shoot a wither skull that despawns after 3 seconds. Be careful though, the wither skull can break blocks.

The Wither Charm in an item frame in a soul sand valley


Q: NeoForge/Fabric/Quilt?

A: No.

Q: Will you backport to below/above 1.20.1?

A: For some versions, (1.19.4, 1.19.2, maybe 1.18.2 and 1.16.5) yes. But for other versions, no. Porting versions is buggy, annoying and generally unenjoyable. Modding is my passion project. If i dont enjoy modding, i won't mod.

Q: Can i port this mod to Fabric/Quilt/NeoForge?

A: Go ahead. All i ask is to credit me in the description and link to the original mod page.

Q: Can i use this in my modpack?

A: Sure, You can give credit if you want, but i won't enforce it.

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