Mob Items

Mob Items

witch armor

witch armor

when you combine a witch with armor
wither skeleton body

wither skeleton body

skeleton head

skeleton head

stray leather head

stray leather head

zombie pickaxe

zombie pickaxe

wither sword

wither sword

the other items

the other items

blaze sword zombie pickaxe creeper bow
wither skeleton legs

wither skeleton legs

creeper bow

creeper bow

piglin boots

piglin boots

witch head

witch head

stray leather legs

stray leather legs

phantom sword

phantom sword

stray body

stray body

stray legs

stray legs

ender-dragon scythe

ender-dragon scythe

ender bread

ender bread

wither skeleton head

wither skeleton head

witch boots

witch boots

witch legs

witch legs

stray head

stray head

enderman items

enderman items

the ender bread the endermaned potions the ender fluid
piglin body

piglin body

skeleton legs

skeleton legs

piglin legs

piglin legs

blaze sword

blaze sword

witch body

witch body

stray leather body

stray leather body

skeleton body

skeleton body

drowned pickaxe

drowned pickaxe

piglin head

piglin head

piglin leather armor

piglin leather armor

the texure fore piglin leather in game
husk pickaxe

husk pickaxe