Mob Mincer

Mob Mincer


This mod adds one item, the Mob Mincer. This cute little guy can be used to mince mobs for their loot over a period of time. It is a mid-game alternative to mob farms to target a certain mob drop.



Crafting recipe

To use the Mob Mincer, simply right-click on a mob with it in your hand. The mincer will attach to the mob and produce drops over time. The mincer works with any mob (even modded ones!), but it must have loot drops.
To remove the mincer, left-click the mincer attached to the mob.
The Mob Mincer has durability and will break after a certain amount of minces.
You can also use a dispenser to attach a Mob Mincer!


Enchant the Mob Mincer with an enchantment table or anvil

  • Unbreaking - Increases the chance to ignore durability damage
  • Silk Touch - Allows for player drops
  • Looting - Increases the amount of drops
  • Mending - Repairs the Mob Mincer with XP Planned
  • Soulspeed - Increases the speed of mincing Planned


Shift + right-click the Mob Mincer with the attachment in your hand to attach it. If the mincer breaks it will drop any attachments.

Name Item Description
Storage  Chest Stores the drops in the mincer instead of dropping them on the ground. Right click to open.
Pacifier  Chorus Fruit Disables the mob's AI.
Feeder  Enchanted Golden Apple   Feeds the mob to heal it after mincing. Percentage healed can be configured.
Spreader  Sculk Catalyst Attaches to another mob if the minced mob dies.


  • baseDurability - The base durability of the Mob Mincer. Default: 100
  • maxMinceTick - The amount of ticks that pass between minces. Soulspeed scales this down. Default: 500
  • unbreakingBound - The bound used for the RNG when calculating unbreaking. Chance to ignore durability: (1 / bound) * unbreakingLevel. Default: 6
  • mobDamagePercent - The percentage (0 - 1.0) of health the mob takes when minced. Default: 0.1
  • feederHealPercent - The percentage (0 - 1.0) of damage healed from the feeder attachment. Default: 1
  • coloredMobs - Whether mobs should be colored based on their current health. Default: true
  • allowDispensing - Whether the Mob Mincer can be attached from a dispenser. Default: true
  • allowKillDrop - Whether the mob should still drop loot when it dies after it has been minced at least once. Default: false
  • dropChance - The chance (0 - 1.0) that dropping loot is not skipped. Default: 1


  • The Mob Mincer can be used on any mob that has a loot table, but some mobs have special conditions (eg. slimes only dropping slime balls when they are the smallest size). This will be fixed in a later release along with more drop customization.
  • Just like with killing a mob, not every mince will produce a drop, though you can improve this with looting. Without looting, you are limited to one drop per mince.
  • If you cannot attach a mob mincer to a mob that drops loot, try enchanting it with Silk touch to allow for player drops.
  • Certain mods may make this too overpowered. Future configuration options will allow for more customization.

Planned features

  • More configuration
  • More attachments/modifiers
  • Suggestions welcome!





Support for Jade, JEI, and REI included


Please report any issues to the issue tracker