By Popular Request!
All the Mobility of the "Original" Mobile Beacon, without all the flash!
These "Vanilla" beacons fit perfectly with the Vanilla playstyle without being WAY OVER POWERED!!!
Once you require a Nether Star, you'll begin unlocking the new Recipes.
Starting with the Mobile Beacon Shell.
Mixing this item with the Nether Star and some Iron Ingots will get you the Mobile Beacon (IRON) item. From there, you can work your way up to the ultimate Mobile Beacon (Netherite).
Passive Beacon Effects...
Iron - Regen, Speed
Gold - Regen, Speed, Jump Boost
Emerald - Regen, Speed, Jump Boost, Haste
Diamond - Regen, Speed, Jump Boost, Haste, Strength
Netherite - Regen, Speed, Jump Boost, Haste, Strength, Resistance (This Beacon is also IMMUNE TO FIRE)
Each Beacon requires the beacon below it to craft and becomes slightly more powerful as you upgrade them.
Right clicking on a beacon will toggle it's effects On and Off again. Freshly crafted Beacons are OFF by default! A Beacon in the ON position will have an "Enchanted" Visual Effect!
Using the Beacons will cost you Experience Points every 10 seconds while it is in the ON state. The Default is a mere 3 XP every 10 seconds. This can be adjusted in the Config File, or completely removed by setting the value to 0 (ZERO)!
Unlike stationary beacons, these beacons will ONLY affect the player holding them. This was intentional! Random Players gaining an unexpected "Speed" boost might not be to happy when it runs them off a high cliff!
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Thanks... Coldspell!!!