A mod that for fix the braincell, danny expansion, epic fight, Unvoted Shelved issues.
Fixed issues:
Above will cause error when player dying. After respawned player entity can't move but your "soul" is interacting with the world. And there will be so many errors in your log that is NullPointerException
Failed to save chunk -152,0
java.lang.RuntimeException: StructurePiece "bottomtextdanny.dannys_expansion.content.structures.anglerstreasure.AnglersTreasurePiece": "null" missing ID Mapping, Modder see MapGenStructureIO
https://github.com/CursedCauldron/Unvoted-Shelved/issues/21 Unvoted using the wrong event to attach AI to zombie to attack copper golems. That will cause low tps and high memory usage.
https://github.com/superlord9362/GoblinsAndDungeons/issues/32 Two rings using in anvil will crash.
https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/epicfight-dual-greatsword Able to edit the damage and attack speed
https://github.com/Tschipp/CallableHorses/issues/22 Crash when open horse info gui