- 1
Light Rail trains issue with door side
#157 opened by nthnlws - 1
Redstone integration with platform blocks
#158 opened by nthnlws - 11
Rail nodes with more angles
#159 opened by Steve-xmh - 9
Rails with configurable max speed
#160 opened by Steve-xmh - 2
#162 opened by ZiYueCommentary - 2
#164 opened by BadHunyun - 5
Train needs pantograph
#165 opened by AIDA64S - 1
#167 opened by ZiYueCommentary - 2
Waterloggable Nodes / Nodes Break In Water
#168 opened by Lightwave8 - 4
Last stop option for platforms.
#170 opened by samdev-7 - 1
#171 opened by BadHunyun - 7
奇怪的“站站”、“Station Station”
#172 opened by BadHunyun - 5
#173 opened by BadHunyun - 6
Low Things
#175 opened by Ultimate-USA-YT - 12
MTR-1.18-3.0.0-beta-8-prerelease-1 Doesn't work in 21w40a
#176 opened by xingxing2008 - 3
#179 opened by swoo5571 - 0
Allow comments in platform/siding names
#181 opened by Rechnerfuchs - 2
【Question】How to use the train announcer
#183 opened by WNCX - 5
Tabs for survival and server
#186 opened by ardentcrest - 2
Possible Mod conflicts causing frame rate issues and crashes
#187 opened by Mordu05 - 1
add a type of platfrom door
#188 opened by xiaojun233 - 2
Player falls out of the train when train does a 90 degree turn
#52 opened by orangegrouptech - 2
Catenary & Wire of railway
#56 opened by Forest103 - 3
Walk on the train without standing on a platform block
#58 opened by fallingx - 2
#60 opened by Polish-ball-man - 7
Better Pole Merging
#59 opened by kettle-7 - 4
Trains don't spawn in beta-7
#62 opened by kettle-7 - 17
Placing a Station Name item immediately hard crashes with no discernible Minecraft error.
#63 opened by noclueumbreon - 1
Train movement sounds cease permanently on all trains for unknown reason
#91 opened by aa1bro - 1
Make the slope more gentle
#92 opened by zrll12 - 2
#99 opened by qwertyuiop092 - 1
#107 opened by SteveNotSet - 5
Rail connector/node that sends a redstone signal
#114 opened by DipekTheRabbit - 3
Make the platform connector turn around trains and add some sort of signalling system
#116 opened by funbuket9 - 1
Trains needs bogies列車需要轉向架
#118 opened by AIDA64S - 1
#122 opened by ZiYueCommentary - 2
車輛需要受電弓Trains need Pantograph
#123 opened by AIDA64S - 24
#124 opened by ZiYueCommentary - 3
Modify the track model and texture
#125 opened by AIDA64S - 8
#128 opened by ZiYueCommentary - 2
FPS Drop when player gets blocked by a block while riding on the train
#130 opened by Kenny-Hui - 5
#135 opened by code2828 - 3
#138 opened by qwertyuiop092 - 1
Custom Route Destination
#143 opened by cherbert - 0
Blocks cant be fast mined and don't drop anything
#141 opened by stop-x13 - 0
#148 opened by jonathanqwq - 1
Customize the content of the announcement and bring back the previous version of the Chinese announcement
#149 opened by Polish-ball-man - 4
Option to Show "Station" in the Station Name (Entrance) Sign
#146 opened by stop-x13 - 2
Train bewilderment
#147 opened by Polish-ball-man - 2
有關站點的X號停車區問題 The question about Zone X of the station
#154 opened by WNCX