- 3
Will there be a Forge and the Easier Version for Transit Railway 1.16/1.17/1.18?
#214 opened by chortle1 - 7
why it crashed
#203 opened by jonathanqwq - 3
希望铁轨标记加入45度摆放以兼容斜线铁路建造(The rail sign can be placed at 45 degrees.)
#206 opened by sde111 - 2
Eject player at terminating station rather than Depot
#207 opened by cherbert - 2
#209 opened by qwertyuiop092 - 5
一些建议 Some Suggestions
#210 opened by winup-zhou - 9
Forge version for Minecraft Transit Railway.
#211 opened by Neon4UltraPlays - 1
Below Surface Map in Railway Dashboard
#199 opened by cherbert - 2
Customisable PSD/APG Styles
#196 opened by Ultimate-USA-YT - 4
Make Sidings & Platform track Silver/Grey
#197 opened by cherbert - 3
#200 opened by BadHunyun - 6
I want you to add trains and platform doors that are not yet implemented in HKMTR.
#201 opened by ShimajiroOTS - 2
#190 opened by SteveNotSet - 6
When I execute a teleport command while on a train, it freezes.
#218 opened by ShimajiroOTS - 4
#221 opened by jonathanqwq - 2
Add more types of APG
#222 opened by ChaoDee - 4
I accidentally throw the debug stick into the rubbish bin.
#223 opened by ShimajiroOTS - 1
Kana characters are displayed as horizontal characters.
#224 opened by ShimajiroOTS - 3
Fabric 1.18-pre8 crashes due to fabric api
#227 opened by theoparis - 11
A one-way track in which trains travel in the opposite direction(Unofficial 13)
#229 opened by sde111 - 3
Game crashing with mod
#230 opened by Shadowgamer483 - 3
#257 opened by SteveNotSet - 1
#253 opened by ZiYueCommentary - 5
Route sign with numbers for branches
#256 opened by itzseven7 - 5
Add PSL(PSD Local Control Panel)&IBP(Integrated Backup Panel)&DTIS(Departure Time Indication System) and Manual driving mode
#239 opened by lonelyicer - 2
Some platform tracks not showing between players on dedicated server in dashboard GUI
#251 opened by TinyDeskEngineer06 - 3
Optifine completely breaks Minecraft Transit Railway for Forge
#250 opened by Ondeth - 3
Rail not showing 1.18.1
#252 opened by UndeadMemegamer - 2
Trains skip stations in P9 U2
#267 opened by Ultimate-USA-YT - 4
#258 opened by Ultimate-USA-YT - 0
You cannot change the direction of the route sign below y=0.
#260 opened by SunBedrock - 3
Game crash on beta-9-unofficial-1
#261 opened by funbuket9 - 1
too fast rendering causes bug
#264 opened by Entchenbrot - 3
404 Not found on LOCALHOST while running game
#265 opened by zjx2007 - 2
#268 opened by saphsara - 4
Feature Request: Station announcement block
#270 opened by winup-zhou - 6
[Enhancement]World time sync with real time & First/Last train setting with announcement
#271 opened by DreamUniverse843 - 7
Bug and enhancement to the terminal station 对终点站的改进
#272 opened by code2828 - 3
Add new train新加入一些列车
#274 opened by xiaotang27 - 6
Not showing up station name in some cases
#275 opened by TSStudio - 2
#276 opened by jonathanqwq - 5
#277 opened by jonathanqwq - 1
#278 opened by jonathanqwq - 2
#279 opened by jonathanqwq - 1
I haven't train in game
#280 opened by sabera-7 - 2
Dynamic view distance recommended.
#281 opened by TSStudio - 3
There are something wrong when 1.17.1 update to 1.18.1
#287 opened by WNCX - 3
Depot path not generating
#289 opened by cerqiest - 3
Path Generation Status Bug
#290 opened by xEdziu - 3
Trash Bin Bug
#291 opened by xEdziu