- 3
I cannot see train
#499 opened by Salmonings - 7
Is the Announcement and "Next Station" Text supposed to repeat?
#502 opened by Samart427 - 1
Platform gates not opening
#503 opened by michelepestulnik - 3
1.19.2 issue with Jade mod
#504 opened by Zygus42 - 18
why is so many trains here
#505 opened by Merth1 - 5
Mod Not Detected
#506 opened by Thekielgamer - 1
Train dropping off at depot
#508 opened by Thekielgamer - 14
The rail tracks are not loading!
#510 opened by Pranav2222 - 1
Lines with distinguishable high speed (express) and all stop trains
Dynamic system map not working
#512 opened by mrLeonTheMaster - 4
Locked elevator door still open
#515 opened by Big-Cake-jpg - 2
Custom station signs / projectors with resource or data packs
#529 opened by ajh123 - 1
Player sits down while on elevator, not stands up
#518 opened by Neon4UltraPlays - 0
class 700
#517 opened by ookste - 2
Weird elevator behavior
#519 opened by Big-Cake-jpg - 2
Train does not spawn / is non-visible
#520 opened by spe3tra - 3
Add buses to MTR mod
#522 opened by Neon4UltraPlays - 2
Change elevator chime / Make a custom elevator chime
#521 opened by chortle3 - 1
Spawn items not showing in creative menu and can't be given through commands.
#524 opened by AlephNoodle - 5
VVVF和電機音 | VVVF and Motor sounds
#526 opened by ACS-resources - 5
[Enhancement]Improving Fare System
#527 opened by DreamUniverse843 - 6
system map not working
#528 opened by whitejesus69 - 3
Train routing, Dashboard enhancement, Noise barriers, Overhead line systems | 指定路線,儀表盤的優化,隔音板,接觸網
#530 opened by ACS-resources - 18
Add track hiding options
#531 opened by moluoxuezha - 4
Walking through walls
#532 opened by rabrunos - 3
Floor Button
#533 opened by rabrunos - 7
#535 opened by gameyboy11 - 2
[Bug] resource pack creator is unable to be used
#536 opened by CKFA - 0
[Suggestion] Add the option for Route can be stoped in the different platfroms at the same station.
#537 opened by CKFA - 1
#539 opened by MrC151 - 0
Custom display for custom model trains|为自定义模型增加自定义显示屏
#548 opened by SteveNotSet - 4
[Softlock] Infinite Resource Pack Reload
#550 opened by pokOSlanx - 3
#551 opened by pokOSlanx - 4
#552 opened by pokOSlanx - 2
Game crashes when launching Minecraft with 1.18.2 Forge 3.1.9
#554 opened by chortle3 - 5
Apparent problem with MTR's mixins that causes conflicts.
#555 opened by Veraxiel - 5
Issue with losing the button to confirm settings when changing the Minecraft screen size when setting up a route in the Railroad Dashboard in windows.
#557 opened by mull1111 - 2
Game crashes when launching Minecraft with 1.18.2 Forge 3.1.9 (FOLLOW-UP) #554
#559 opened by chortle3 - 3
[Feature Request] Add planes
#562 opened by zurgeg - 0
1-wide Railway Sign
#563 opened by CKFA - 7
#564 opened by mike-brown8 - 3
Player heads in Dynamic Railway Map failed to load in China Mainland
#565 opened by Big-Cake-jpg - 1
Planes not turning around on Turn Back Rail
#566 opened by Splatracer - 1
Can't open www.patreon.com in China Mainland
#568 opened by CokeStudios - 4
Chinese mainland players can not load Patreon API normally
#569 opened by xiaotang27 - 4
Some questions about the mtr:seat
#570 opened by NiuBoss123 - 3
Add new show style for route sign to only show route information|增加只顯示線路名稱的路線牌樣式
#572 opened by kinegratii - 1
Railway sign style selector
#573 opened by Swiftiecott - 6
Some display bugs of Japanese text
#576 opened by ChihyuenWang