- 4
Using dynamic resources on 5.11.1 causes textures to be missing on
#343 opened by KingRocco21 - 5
Create bug + ModernFix After the latest updates, the trains no longer run correctly. They now don't travel if they end up in another chunk.
#342 opened by kitovoi111 - 2
Chances to still support 1.20.2 version? (Can be low priority)
#341 opened by sternschnaube - 1
[1.18.2] Incompatible with Debugify after ModernFix 5.6.1v
#340 opened by xSyphel - 1
[Request] Entity Wall Damage Check
#339 opened by TqLxQuanZ - 2
Texture 1.19.2
#338 opened by Krimatoria - 2
[1.20.1] Modernfix calling config before mod is loaded
#337 opened by Reshy - 1
[Forge 1.20.1]: Crash when it started raining possible conflict with Biome Particle Weather
#336 opened by Gamerbolts - 5
crafting Items using REI's Move Items method on the crafting table that comes with a traveler's backpack causes the world to freeze
#335 opened by wumengzhixing - 1
Dynamic resources have some bugs with mekanism(advanced solar generator)
#334 opened by zaoe - 2
Dynamic DFU optimization breaks litematica
#332 opened by RaphiMC - 2
modernfix-forge-5.11.0+mc1.20.1 Causes Alex's Mobs Void Worm boss to become a fool
#331 opened by mc3355411 - 5
[1.18.2 Forge] Enabling buffer builder leak causes random crash.
#330 opened by TqLxQuanZ - 3
Update clear_fabric_mapping_tables for FL 0.15+
#329 opened by SylisMC - 1
[1.20.1 Fabric] ModernFix v5.10.1 conflicts with MoreCulling
#328 opened by dima-dencep - 0
[1.18.2] Check ElevatorMod with dynamic resources
#326 opened by embeddedt - 2
modernfix5.10.1 Mixin.perf.clear_fabric_mapping_tables is not found in config/
#325 opened by BlackRiceXY - 9
Minecraft pistons cause game crash
#324 opened by hibblebins - 1
[1.16.5]modernfix5.10.1版本与Bounding Box Outline Reloaded2.4同时装会导致modernfix注入失败
#321 opened by LMaxRouterCN - 3
[1.20.4] Game crash with Neoforge-20.4.20-beta
#320 opened by Enderman112 - 3
Crash with More Culling on 5.10.1
#319 opened by lostopkk - 1
[1.18.2] Dynamic resources causes CTM glass to disappear
#318 opened by sweetymajo - 2
Conflict with Smooth Boot Reloaded
#317 opened by 1936268516 - 2
Add modid to mixin method names
#316 opened by ChiefArug - 2
Remove MixinExtras
#315 opened by Madis0 - 1
[1.16] Fix Sophisticated Backpacks CME
#314 opened by Kasualix - 2
When installing Gregtech Modern and enabling dynamic resource loading simultaneously, it can cause surface mineral particles to lose their texture
#313 opened by Sovina1991 - 2
Water is missing on multiplayer servers
#312 opened by road2react - 6
Server Freeze during World Pre-generation with ModernFix 5.10.0 on Minecraft Forge 1.19.2 (on a BIG modpack)
#311 opened by YDeltagon - 3
Stone Copper Ore rendering breaks with VulkanMod + Model Gap Fix installed
#310 opened by JL2210 - 4
1.20.1 - Crash on Forge ver. 47.2.16
#309 opened by CrimsonsArt - 1
Tiny Potato model buggy when Dynamic Resources enabled
#308 opened by anoomolu - 3
strange noise
#307 opened by SHADOWBOY8432 - 7
ModernFix removes EverlastingAbilities' search ability
#306 opened by WordStormRose - 6
Alex's Mobs texture bug relation (maybe)
#304 opened by Vinzound - 0
[1.20.1] [5.9.1] Suspicious async chunkload
#300 opened by Maxzedzi - 5
Forge build on 1.20.2 with gradle failing with incorrect checksum for blaze3d?
#299 opened by mave007 - 1
[1.16.5] Blast search trees make tag searching unavailable in creative inventory
#298 opened by GoldenTotem - 5
Don't initialize client mixins in a server environment
#297 opened by Ristovski - 1
Stuck at 10%-forge_1.19.2
#296 opened by Qee1y - 9
[1.20.1] [5.9.2] Suspicious async chunkload
#295 opened by DankestO - 1
1.20.1 Forge Server Crash
#294 opened by Primia - 2
[1.20.1] FramedBlocks (and possibly others) started taking much longer to load
#293 opened by dima-dencep - 1
[1.16.5Forge] Async Locator works wrong with explorer map
#292 opened by GoldenTotem - 1
[Question] Enhanced Block Entities and dynamic resources
#291 opened by Rad586 - 2
[Question] Compability with memory leak fix?
#290 opened by Rad586 - 4
crash with mekanism and mixin.perf.dynamic_resources=true
#289 opened by mllightitup - 3
- 1
Question - Could you make a list of mods this mod replaces so we don't have mixing issues down the line?
#286 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 3
Question - Do I need Async Loader if using this mod?
#285 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0