Adds Incubators, Chicken-Modifyer-Stations and more Crazy stuff..
This Mod adds:
-Chicken Modifyer
-Glowing Modifyer
-Flesh to Egg Converter
-Chicken with Two Heads
-Chicken with Three Heads
-Glowing Chicken with Two Heads
- Glowing Chicken with Three Heads
-Headless Chicken
-Glowing Headless Chicken
-Three Head Chicken Egg
-Two Head Chicken Egg
-Glowing Three Head Chicken Egg
-Glowing Two Head Chicken Egg
-Golden Egg
-Sheep Egg
-Glowing Sheep Egg
-Wolf Egg
-Raw Wolf Flesh
-Cooked Wolf Flesh
-Creature Terminator
-Modifyed Headless Chicken Egg
-Glowing Modifyed Headless Chicken Egg