(suggestion) Adding a creative tool which helps create machine recipes
NerdySpider opened this issue ยท 4 comments
I have a idea for a tool that could be used for making recipes (easily) in game.
There could be a separate tool used to make the recipes of the machine, via giving all the options of the available files (that the tool of defining a multiblock creates) And allows you to select said files. once clicked, it would detect what hatches there are (energy, item, liquid, etc). It would then create a blank list, with a (+) button to add a new recipe to the machine, and then give you a inventory asking for the materials/liquids/whatever wanting to be added. and vice versa on a separate tab for results!
For instance:
For each type of available inputs and outputs, it would show slots to add in whatever type of item/liquid/whatever to the recipe, determined on what hatches were detected. ( for instance with liquid: it would have a slot that allows you add a bucket of the liquid you want to be added to a recipe, then a counter asking for how many buckets/milibuckets per recipe . and then also AUTO rounding it to say what is the minimum hatch level for the level of liquid you wanted to add, obviously, because if you want it to be just as much liquid as the maximum fluid intake hatch. its not going to say in previews you need to place the first tier of hatch for the machine.)
so, for example, once I have made the structure I scan it, confirm it, then swap out to my recipe tool and click the new structure file that was created, so then I press the add button and it gives me my options. I made it to input items and a power source to "melt" these items (using conducted heating) into a output liquid, and then, I add around 100'000 RF / FE per operation, and add in my items, two Mirion ingots from PlusTIC, and 6 pieces of empowered palis. then, swapping over to the output, I set it to make 500 millibuckets of Primal mana, a unused liquid from Thermal Foundation. once done. I press done, I am sure. and then exit the game and reload to find my recipe had succeeded!
Again, there is also its compatibility. you are probably aware there are mods which add new types of inputs and outputs (for instance. modular diversity which has added stuff like buildcraft laser hatches and mana hatches. maybe the two mods could get together and if the mod is detected, auto adds then to the search list, and the ability to add them to the recipe. if not, the creators could be send a notification, allowing them to make their own code for their addition to the tool.
Finally. once all is well, the file will be created. and then once the game has been restarted, It will be added to the game! free to be edited via the recipe editing tool again!
..there's already a tool for making the machine structures into a file: https://github.com/HellFirePvP/ModularMachinery/wiki/10.-Custom-Machines:-Structure-To-JSON-Tool-%5BAdvanced%5D
And there's already support for not-writing-recipes-entirely-by-hand-in-JSON: https://github.com/HellFirePvP/ModularMachinery/wiki/12.-Crafttweaker-Recipe-definitions-%5BAdvanced%5D
Oh, I completely missed that.
I'm such a idiot for taking more that an hour to write this : " )
Actually. I'll change it. the machine builder tool is great then. but, there is still coding when you do it via craftweaker. and even now reading over It I don't understand its method sadly : (
Yeah, there's not really any way around needing that. Because of how MC works, the tool adds unnecessary info (that can't just be blanket wiped because it's NECESSARY in some cases) to many blocks. You should read through the wiki entry on the github for MM, since it includes examples and explains it all rather in-depth.