- 0
ModularMachinery uses a lot of network bandwidth
#228 opened by jiajiaxd - 0
Item output in any cases is incorrect
#227 opened by mappleaf - 0
Question about output buses/hatches
#229 opened by Primitive-Human - 9
A question on adding botania flowers to the MM blue print
#230 opened by yuxincao1283 - 0
- 0
how to use the command while recipes finished
#232 opened by TRLWeiss - 0
Multiple types of the same adapters result in failure to load the recipes for the given machine
#233 opened by nevemlaci - 1
A question about Modular Diversity and Modular Machine
#234 opened by Wy9Aready - 0
Missing Fluid Input
#235 opened by AvonBooks - 0
The controller map is missing
#236 opened by FANRUIming12 - 1
[Qestion/Suggestion/Bug] Makanism recipes
#185 opened by drago87 - 2
Bug in recipes.
#186 opened by Pilad - 1
Boiler and charcoal.
#187 opened by Pilad - 1
Crash on startup
#188 opened by Th3OneAndOnly - 1
JEI recipes won't load for some blocks
#189 opened by bowdenjr - 9
[Question] Is it possible to know how much RF/t a machine requires?
#190 opened by MuteTiefling - 1
Question/Suggestion: Is it possible to have recipes activate commands?
#191 opened by Duc2k - 2
Custom Modular machines that contain gregtech tile entities do not render in JEI and show up as a CCL bug
#192 opened by MasterBuilder747 - 0
[BUG]problem of energy input hatch
#193 opened by CsyBarry - 1
[Suggestion] Commands!
#194 opened by JohnnyDabb2 - 0
[Suggestion]unique GUI for different machines
#195 opened by HoleFish - 2
TileEnergyOutputHatch appears to cause lag looking for a Draconic Evolution core
#196 opened by jorupp - 0
[Suggestion] A recipe option to force a recalc of recipe options at the end of a recipe
#198 opened by voidsong-dragonfly - 1
machine not registered
#200 opened by Oaklizard-2047 - 0
[Suggestion] new recipe modifiers
#199 opened by LeoneVicenzoEsposito - 0
[Suggestion] Change the Controller redstone from requiring strong power.
#201 opened by NopeDK - 0
[Suggestions]Add OreDict for the machines
#202 opened by GBLodb - 0
[Suggestion] Change between input and output blocks using wrench
#203 opened by Kenja-mc - 3
Crash on Boot
#204 opened by RainbowTabitha - 1
Question: Plans to port this mod?
#205 opened by TheUntamed - 3
Rf input gets voided if rf/t is lower than machine intake
#206 opened by Darkmift - 0
[Suggestion] /mm-hand copy
#207 opened by NordicGamerFE - 0
crash report
#208 opened by fluor4te - 0
[Suggestion] Min-Max for block types
#209 opened by Kremnari - 5
found a null pointer exception with the newest "stable" version from curseforge
#210 opened by Sailren89 - 1
[Request]Porting to 1.15?
#211 opened by dong031001 - 2
[Suggestion] Tooltip Array
#212 opened - 3
Fuel Not working
#213 opened by MrEyeballs29 - 3
Crash if ICĀ² not installed
#214 opened by Volpamonhub - 0
How can I add a recipe that do not consume specific material
#215 opened by MorningKaze - 0
Machines can run commands
#216 opened by ym1025 - 1
Can't make more then one adapter?
#217 opened by Terra-B-Welch - 0
How to make a number a string instead of an integer?
#218 opened by Terra-B-Welch - 0
air block in json causes machine to not load
#219 opened by KaktuszSok - 0
[BUG] Crash when using ".addItemOutput()"
#220 opened by Xarmat-GitHub - 0
how do i use the creativ structure to json tool?
#221 opened by idkimanerd - 0
[BUG?] Adapter function does not function for some machine recipes. [MM v1.11.1]
#223 opened by Primitive-Human - 1
Chemical Mixer
#224 opened by xphilzillax - 0
Crash when opening Item Input UI
#225 opened by vizthex123 - 0
Machine Casing just disabled
#226 opened by capybaraScripts