A question on adding botania flowers to the MM blue print
yuxincao1283 opened this issue · 9 comments
I know that botania flowers such as gourmaryllis rely on NBTs for it to be spawned. I used /mm-hand and /ct hand and the NBT required for gourmaryllis is only "type":"gourmaryllis". but that doesn't work, ive tried adding the type, and the subTileName from NBTedit (which is: "subTileName":"gourmaryllis") but it doesn't work either. In game, the position where the flower is supposed to be has a missing texture texture, and for the block required, the gourmaryllis is shown as the default botania:specialflower, which has the poppy txture.
Getting one with the command: /give @p botania:specialflower 1 1 {type:gourmaryllis} just gives you a flower called gourmaryllis, but the texture is missing.
I'll bootup my game and upload an image of the blueprint when the flower is added to the blueprint.
What happens when you use the vanilla /data get command on a placed properly one? Might be more functional.
Using TEs in a multiblock is going to frequently involve weirdness, as well
Ah, yes, 1.13.
Either way sounds like using vanilla commands to give results in same behavior, so might be better to check with the botania discord for how that data shouldnt be structured.
Not what I said. You need the block data, hence the /data get command.
I cant seems to use the /data get command, im currently on 1.12.2, is the game version too old?
Okay, I got an answer from the botania's discord by rune of nila, and it works.
So in the nbt session, you'll need to add "subTileName":"Name of the flower". and in the element, you'll need to use botania:specialflower@0.
When you launch into the game and checks for the blue print, ignore the buggy texture, and tests if it detects.
The machine detects despite the buggy texture it has on the flowers for me.