- 2
Ultimate Energy Input Hatch eating power
#144 opened by Cazadorsniper - 0
MM doesn't surrender the mousewheel event back to JEI
#145 opened by Yoghurt4C - 1
Modifiers issue with 1.12-1.9.5.jar
#146 opened by Golrith - 0
Machine will eat recipe components if it doesnt have enough mana
#147 opened by Saereth - 3
Modifier description displayed multiple times when an array of blocks is listed in a single modifier.
#149 opened by CelestialPhoenix - 2
Defining multiple specific blocks in a single recipe modifier
#148 opened by CelestialPhoenix - 1
Suggestion: furnace fuel hatch
#150 opened by wizard1399 - 1
Doesn't detect fluid input
#151 opened by Inverseder - 0
Suggestionļ¼recipe out weight
#152 opened by YiChenCraft - 1
#154 opened by KP2048 - 3
Modular Machine throws NPEs when checking for modifier
#153 opened by MaxNeedsSnacks - 1
Suggestion:add weight support for custom recipes
#155 opened by zomb-676 - 2
Recipes With Multiple Fluid Inputs Will Not Start
#156 opened by TeetoKaziim - 7
Too many options for variable?
#157 opened by wizard1399 - 2
Machine with multiple fluid outputs "missing tannk space for fluid outputs" despite having multiple outputs
#158 opened by observeroftime02 - 0
Edit energy apapter easier?
#159 opened - 1
Suggestion: Visual or Audio feedbacks when a machine is active.
#160 opened by M3wM3w - 1
Exception in server tick loop due to EnumDyeColor
#162 opened by PsychoSwan - 1
- 2
[Crash] Crash when starting a server.
#164 opened by xt9 - 0
Thaumcraft Vis crystal not being treated properly
#165 opened by Xavion3 - 1
Modular machinery 1.7.10
#166 opened by CamperPro - 1
At A Loss: Flans Incompatability post version 1.7.1
#167 opened by mensreaMC - 4
net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: hellfirepvp/modularmachinery/common/crafting/ComponentType$ComponentRegistryEvent
#168 opened by a-frenzy - 1
Modular Machinery Setup Crash on Project Ozone 3
#169 opened by siolfurr - 0
Singleplayer world crash when using a custom modular machinery
#171 opened by Thomas107500 - 1
Crash when using newest MM with newest MD
#173 opened by rlnt - 2
Odd behaviour / Crashes with Modular Machinery Energy Inputs
#172 opened by sniggyfigbat - 3
No Recipes Shown
#174 opened by Boolyman - 1
Getting this crash on the 1.11.0 and 1.12.0 updates
#175 opened by Boolyman - 5
[Bug] Energy Input Hatch lag still occurring.
#176 opened by sniggyfigbat - 0
[Suggestion] "Pass-Through" recipes, reading/writing data values and NBT
#177 opened by DragonGodGrapha - 1
[Bug] EU Output Abnormal
#178 opened by ProperSAMA - 2
Crash during pre-init
#179 opened by Fein0801 - 2
Fluid output hatch doesn't push to fluid handlers
#180 opened by notpeelz - 1
[Suggestion] Disguising functional blocks as other blocks on machine creation
#181 opened by Beesbreathing - 2
canStartCrafting performance problem
#182 opened by GregTecher - 2
How do I rotate in-world blueprint preview?
#183 opened by abaines - 0
Master Suggestion Compilation
#130 opened by PocketfulOfGeese - 0
[Suggestion] Add energy hatches for GT energy please
#132 opened by Saereth - 9
JEI Integration
#133 opened by NielsPilgaard - 1
[Suggestion] Dimension limitation for machines
#134 opened by wormzjl - 0
Recipes display as blank plate in newer JEI versions
#135 opened by TeetoKaziim - 1
Where can I download the wiki?
#138 opened by JadianRadiator - 0
[Suggestion] World Interaction
#136 opened by Derpford - 11
JEI not showing recipes
#139 opened by wormzjl - 0
Battery box and batteries.
#140 opened by Pilad - 1
Š”onnection textures and turning casings towards the player
#142 opened by Pilad - 0
Gui for Fluid Hatch
#141 opened by Pilad - 0
New item port to extend the functionality.
#143 opened by Pilad