Modular Machinery

Modular Machinery


[Bug] Energy Input Hatch lag still occurring.

sniggyfigbat opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Continues from this issue.

Unfortunately, even with Modular Machinery updated to 1.11.1, energy hatches still appear to cause a server to skip ticks.



Any modifications to the pack beyond a straight DL?

What are you doing to reproduce the behavior?


The only non-DL modification is to change the forge version to the latest 1.12.2- (it was on 2836, and another mod was complaining).

Upon further experimentation, the number of missed ticks is definitely dramatically reduced in this version - it's a little annoying, but manageable, averaging about a second's-worth of ticks per minute. It's mostly the 'conflicting with a previous registration' spam that's a bit alarming.

The issue is reproducible to the extent that restarting the server does not fix it. I'm not quite sure where to go beyond that; will try moving power inputs around and replacing them.


I am getting this spam in my server console as well; Enigmatica 2 Expert 1.81a, Modular Machinery 1.11.1. Did you ever figure out if it's bad / how to stop it?

[16:18:45] [ic2-poolthread-2/WARN] [ic2.EnergyNet]: Tile hellfirepvp.modularmachinery.common.tiles.TileEnergyInputHatch@16e60c8d (dim 0: 2746/84/2909), sub tile hellfirepvp.modularmachinery.common.tiles.TileEnergyInputHatch@16e60c8d (dim 0: 2746/84/2909) addition is conflicting with a previous registration at the same location: hellfirepvp.modularmachinery.common.tiles.TileEnergyInputHatch@cde73576.

I used tellme to dump tile entities and it only lists the entity once. And the server seems to run a long time, which points to no memory leak. So maybe it's ok to ignore. It sure is spammy though...


I'm afraid I never did, no. Sorry.


Hate to necro a thread, despite it still being open.

I'm also having the same issues
Enigmatica 2: Expert pack, pack version 1.82a
MM version 1.11.1 for Java 1.12.2

Had the Energy Input Hatch having the same error of conflicting previous registration, and my server has memory leaked beyond the max (13.56GB/12GB at time of writing).
Removal of the block listed in a "removal without registration" in the log.
Hatch was part of the Advanced Thermionic Fabricator structure

Not sure if any of this helps, but I hope it does