Machine with multiple fluid outputs "missing tannk space for fluid outputs" despite having multiple outputs
observeroftime02 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
I have a simpe 3x3 machine that takes one item, one fluid and energy to produce two fluids and (up to) two items. The machine has two fluid output hatches, and one item output hatch.
When attempting to run the machine I'm getting the message "Not enough tank space for fluid output(s)", despite there being two fluid output hatches and more than enough tank space for the operation.
The way I see it is that I have two separate output hatches that should output two different fluids simultaneously. The machine runs fine when changing the recipe to produce only one fluid output, although I have noticed that the fluid gets randomly output to either of the two hatches for each operation, and there is no consistency on which hatch outputs the fluid. Is there a way to specify which fluid goes where? Changing the size of the output hatches does nothing.
I was hoping to create more complex recipes with 4 or more fluid outputs, but if they get put in random output hatches each operation then it's going to make any sort of automation a major headache. If outputs can't be assigned to specific hatches via recipe, then it would be nice to have some consistency in where the machine decides to output what fluid, at least.
That is, if multiple fluid outputs would work at all.
Fixed in d92ac96