Ultimate Energy Input Hatch eating power
Cazadorsniper opened this issue ยท 2 comments
MM Version: 1.9.4
Forge Version: 2795
As you can see in this terrible gif: https://gyazo.com/199bb53de8b2be4920e4e3ce9094f1bd (if want a new gif that focuses more on the hatch let me know) there is no recipe going and yet the power going into the hatch is instantly depleted instead of being stored. Also know that I set the both ultimate energy hatches to store the max value of an int.
Blueprint: https://pastebin.com/eDiQv4zu (the multiblock is set to use any size hatch)
this is a gif of it being outside a multiblock: https://gyazo.com/4c66ad14c36cbc7e6a8d133d43f3f1db