Modular Machinery

Modular Machinery


net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: hellfirepvp/modularmachinery/common/crafting/ComponentType$ComponentRegistryEvent

a-frenzy opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Roll back modular machinery 1 release. MD and Modular magic arent updated for the MM 1.11 release yet, and it breaks things if so.


I wonder if this will ever be fixed?


It isnt a modular machinery problem, so you are asking on the wrong github. The author of Modular Diversity has had since July 27th of 2019 to address this and has not.


I am aware of that. I was not implying that you had anything to do with in. I am sorry you felt this way. It was a response to the original post, not the mod itself. I really do hope they do fix it at one point.