Modular Machinery

Modular Machinery


Recipes Not Recognized

Boolyman opened this issue · 15 comments


I really don't want to put in this ticket, because it is probably going to boil down to some silly little piece of syntax I am missing, and not a bug at all. But I have checked my code literally dozens of times trying to find out if I did something wrong.

I am trying to make a coke oven/blast furnace combo.
I used the creative structure tool, then removed the NBT data from the machinery file. The machine "seems" to connect fine, since all of the blocks turn to the correct color that I specified in the file once I put in the blueprint. I have an energy inout, a x4 slot Input, where the player puts coal for creosote, and coal+iron for steel. I also have a fluid output, and a 12 slot item output. So all of the required pieces should be covered.

The problem is, when I try the recipe, nothing happens. I put coal in, and it just sits there. No energy is taken from rf I fed into it, nothing. When I look at the machine controller, it says the name of the blueprint, but then it says "Missing structure" and No structure found
The below are my machinery and blind woman
"machine": "creocoke_blaster",
"registryName": "creocoke_blaster_creofluid",
"recipeTime": 100,
"requirements": [
"type": "item",
"io-type": "input",
"item": "minecraft:coal",
"amount": 1
"type": "item",
"io-type": "output",
"item": "immersiveengineering:material@6",
"amount": 1
"type": "fluid",
"io-type": "output",
"fluid": "immersiveengineering:fluidcreosote",
"amount": 200


"registryname": "creocoke_blaster",
"localizedname": "CreoCoke Blast Furnace",
"requires-blueprint": true,
    "color": "0f0e0e",
    "parts": [
            "x": 0,
            "y": 0,
            "z": 1,
            "nbt": {"casingColor":"-46848"},
            "elements": [
            "x": 1,
            "y": 0,
            "z": 0,
            "elements": [
            "x": 1,
            "y": 0,
            "z": 1,
            "elements": [
            "x": 0,
            "y": -1,
            "z": 1,
            "elements": [
            "x": 1,
            "y": -1,
            "z": 1,
            "elements": [
            "x": 0,
            "y": -2,
            "z": 1,
            "elements": [
            "x": 1,
            "y": -2,
            "z": 1,
            "elements": [
            "x": 1,
            "y": -2,
            "z": 0,
            "elements": [
            "x": 1,
            "y": -1,
            "z": 0,
            "elements": [
            "x": 0,
            "y": -2,
            "z": 0,
            "elements": [
            "x": 0,
            "y": -1,
            "z": 0,
            "elements": [


Is there a forum or somewhere I can get questions answered? Why is the multiblock saying no structure found? The blocks are all correct and in the right positions.


Can you pastebin the json?


@Boolyman yes. the discord channel. Go there for discussion stuff.


Does anyone respond to these tickets?


@davqvist You are the one that I sent the json to on reddit. You said you removed the nbt data and "it worked". I did the same, and it still doesnt work for me. On top of that, in order to get the machines to "trigger" their multiblock state, you have to put the blueprint into the machine, break a block, then replace the block. I'm starting to think this mod just isn't polished enough yet to go in my next pack.


I haven't had any problems with the machine, I now checked the recipe and it doesn't work because it is "lava" not "minecraft:lava", the log output helps debugging issues with that.


You are looking at just one iteration of about a dozen different syntaxes I have tried in an attempt to get it to recognize the recipe. I'm aware of the minecraft:lava... thats not the issue. If you actually fixxed it, then tried again, you would see it still didnt work. I will just wait for the actual dev to respond... hopefully he doesnt take too long.



Machine pastebin above (creocoke_blaster) works and forms first time, blueprint or not in the controller, for me. Built it twice to make sure I wasn't doing anything weird:

The creosote recipe in the json was not configured correctly. The "fluid" output is looking for the registry name, not the item name. Set it to "creosote" and it should work. Pic of working, and pastebin of modded json attached:

If you have some others that aren't working (like the one you apparently sent davqvist on reddit which wasn't posted here yet), post them up, or ask in the Discord for help.


Yea, @Doomgull has the proper configuration.

For future note: The fluidblock registry name IS NOT the fluid's registry name. Good example: TE cryotheum. The fluid's registry name for that is "cryotheum" - nothing more. So...... i heard Crafttweaker or Recipetweaker has a way of printing the fluid name of a fluid if you're checking the bucket filled with it. so. that's a way to get the proper name for it. "immersiveengineering:fluidcreosote" is not a fluid. it's a block.

tl;dr - as i also saw the drama on discord yesterday - doomgull was right.


@Boolyman Not sure why you want to wait for the dev. I tested it several times and it worked without any problems as Doomgull is confirming.


Because we're not the modmaker, so we can't possibly know, and he doesn't want help from anyone who isn't an expert, according to last night on the Discord channel.

There's a reason I included screenshots and a pastebin.


Of course he is right to you... he was defending your absence. It's no big deal, but you guys keep bringing it up lol.


Eh, not worth it.


This has nothing to do with my absence at all. Sure, i was not active for some time due to reallife occupying time. So is that wrong that someone tends to the issues he/she can solve without issue if the one person owning the issue tracker is inactive for a period of time? I'm under no obligation to tend to my issues; i merely do it because i like to create mods, add content for them and help people that have problems with them. And guess what: i do not demand a single penny for countless of hours spent on writing and designing said mods, nor do i paywall new features or feature suggestions on patreon (like a good number of modders do). On the same note i also want some freedom on how i manage my mods and the time i allocate for support, design and further implementation. So demanding a schedule at which i tend to issues is the same as demanding that i should work for free. This is a hobby; not a job. If people randomly decide to throw >=2000$/€ at me per month to make mods and other software, then sure. Then i'm gonna make modding and freelance software engineering my life. But that's nothing more than a dream. So it will stay my hobby. And noone here gets to decide how i spend my free time; except me.

Read further down, he was wrong.
He claimed it worked, but it did not.
I simply did not need help from someone who wasn't versed any more than myself in the mod.

I said he was right because he linked json and visual information that explain and solve the issue you are (or were) having. Additionally, I added out-of-context information regarding mistakes that commonly happen when dealing with fluids, such as taking the fluidblock's registry name as the fluid registry name. Which isn't how the fluids are registered. Thus the recipe loader failed at loading the recipe, because a fluid with the name "immersiveengineering:fluidcreosote" doesn't exist. If you're still having logs from back then, give them a look. It does say that and other issues/problems/notifications about any machine or recipe loaded during startup. After that Doomgull provided the proper solution for this by changing "immersiveengineering:fluidcreosote" to "creosote" - which is the actual registry name of the fluid. A handy way to get a hold on a fluid's registry name is Crafttweaker's '/mt hand' (or now '/ct hand' ? I don't remember...) -
it displays/copies NBT data on an item you're holding so doing that on a bucket filled with the liquid you want will very likely include the registry name of the fluid.

So him providing the wrong or correct solution to a problem has nothing to do with his relation to this project or to my person. He could be the co-creator of the mod and if he provides a non-functional solution it wouldn't make it correct.

I suppose i adressed the issue and stuff around it now. If anyone wants to bring this topic up again, feel free to do so in discord.