(question) how to make crusher/grinder/pulveriser recipes?(1.12.2)
SDUBZ opened this issue ยท 3 comments
i have personally tried grabbing recipes from simpler grinders coal grinder
and telsa powered thingies powder_maker with no luck any advice would be helpful
thanks in advance
version of mm: modularmachinery-1.6.5
Forge: 1.12.2-2512
configs im using
The adapter system is not fully finished and only has compatibility with the minecraft furnace. There is no way to get the recipes of some machine by defining its blockstate, support for it has to be added manually by me or some other mod developer.
Relevant code in that regard: https://github.com/HellFirePvP/ModularMachinery/blob/master/src/main/java/hellfirepvp/modularmachinery/common/crafting/adapter/RecipeAdapterRegistry.java#L53
Adding more adapters for different mods is planned, but not my personal focus at the moment.
okay thanks @HellFirePvP was just curious if i was doing something wrong :)